Nafod (Nymphs/Shape-Shifters)

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World of Aserra
Marfod (Nereid)

Post by World of Aserra » Fri Mar 09, 2012 7:37 pm

Pronunciation: MAHR-fohd. Grammatically, it is singular, plural, and collective.

Created by Entra alongside the Ochae’nafod and Dra’nafod, the Marfod were incarnated with the souls of Nereid, or sea Nymphs. Due to their water affinity, both Nereids and Marfod are aligned with Maris as well as Entra.

Location and Abodes
The Marfod inhabit the warmer oceans of Aserra, found usually where there is a rich variety of plant and animal life. They don’t really have homes, but keep their meager belongings in caches in rocks or coral. To sleep, they often find a comfortable hidden area in forests of kelp, caves, or coral reefs. They cannot survive outside of the water for more than an hour or so, but sometimes they may visit the surface briefly.

Appearance and Garb
Marfod have a similar beauty to their other Nafod cousins, but their bodies and skin have evolved to better suit their aquatic environment. They still have a humanoid form with two legs, though their fingers and toes are webbed. They have fin-like ridges along their forearms and sides of their legs, and gills on along the ribcage. Their skin is usually a greenish or bluish shade, but they can change their skin color at a whim for camouflage. They have slender, lithe bodies, as well as the usual long, tapered ears of most elemental races. Their hair color ranges through shades of blue to green, but their eyes can be blue, green, gold, orange, or violet. Marfod wear little to no clothes. When they are clothed, it is often little more than a kelp sash or other adornments.

Lifespan and Reproduction
Marfod are incredibly long-lived, often living for thousands of years. Like other elemental races, they do not appear to age after the age of twenty-five. They age at the same rate as humans until the age of twenty-five, at which point apparent aging ceases, though they may eventually take on a more ageless appearance. Apparent aging continues several decades before their eventual death.

Female Marfod have the longest periods between reproductive cycles of all of Aserra’s races, only being fertile for one year out of every hundred. Women are very deliberate about child-bearing, and but individuals differ in their interest for childbearing. Some women may seek to bear a child once every century, while others are content with just one or two throughout the course of their lives. Considering the long periods between fertility, siblings rarely know each other.

The Marfod are a solitary race, and prefer to live on their own. From time to time, they may seek companionship with other Marfod or Mariel, and are pleasant to others they meet, but they do not stay in the presence of others for very long. Romances are limited to brief affairs that are quickly abandoned. If a woman wishes to bear a child, her male partner will remain with her only so long as it takes to confirm a successful pregnancy.

The Marfod are a predominantly female race, with females outnumbering males ten to one. Males are often drifters, while females maintain territories. Men will take a mate when they can, but if no Marfod women will have them, they will indulge in companionship with Mariel. Bisexuality in both genders is also quite common, but it never interferes with reproduction (ie; a male who indulges in the companionship of other males will not turn down a female who wishes to have his child). With the high female population, Marfod women will sometimes have short affairs with women or men they come across to sate sexual desires. Men who cross paths with other men also will readily take each other as temporary lovers. Though solitary, they are also rather lustful... but they don’t always care to see that person the next morning.

Diet, Agriculture, and Hunting
Marfod gather a variety of raw foods from the ocean, plant or animal.

The Marfod follow Entra and Maris equally, and because of this, Maris has adopted them as one of her races and granted them Water Elementalism. Entra has not limited their Life Elementalism because of this split faith. The Marfod serve their goddesses through stewardship of the seas, and spiritual communion.

Magic and Abilities
The Marfod are powerful elementalists with command of Water and Life Elementalism. With their long lives, they often master both forms of magic. Telepathy and precognition are also common abilities amongst them.

Their shape-shifting is limited to camouflage, and is much like the camouflage abilities of the octopus. To hide, they can change the color and texture of their skin to match their surroundings.

Calm, wise, and passive, the Marfod are typically pleasant company. However, one should not expect to make a lifelong friend of a Marfod. They do not care for the companionship of others for extended periods of time and much prefer their solitude in the long run. They do have a dark side, though. In their duties to Entra and Maris, they can be cruel to sailors that threaten their area of ocean either by overfishing, whaling, or otherwise disrupting the native life. Marfod may sink ships and drown men if they provoke their wrath.

The only other race they really have interactions with is the Mariel, with whom they are on good terms with. Otherwise, the only other race they have much contact with is humans, whom they are rarely fond of. Humans throw waste into the ocean, devastate sea life populations, and damage coral reefs with their vessels, but are often completely oblivious to the damage they do. Marfod do their best to discourage human passage in certain areas.

Marfod can only be played in ocean based RPs, and should be limited due to their low population and potential power.
Last edited by J. M. Vincent on Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Revised from Adun to Aserra
World of Aserra

Lepus Tribe [European Hare]

Post by World of Aserra » Mon May 14, 2012 9:57 am

Lepus Tribe

Bound to the Thiskelian Hare (comparable to Lepus europaeus of the real world) found in northern Thiskel, communities of the Lepus tribe are scattered across forests where their bounded species ranges.

Location and Settlements
Native to the forested regions of northern Thiskel, the Lepus tribe make their homes in thickets and densely wooded areas like many other boreal tribes.

Appearance and Garb
Attractive like most Nafod, the Lepus tribe features are reminiscent of the hares they are bonded to. They tend to have delicate faces, especially the females, with large, expressive brown eyes. Male features are still markedly masculine. They are rather short, but tend to be lanky even for their petite size. Males stand at an average of 4’9” (1.44m) and females at 4’2” (1.27m). They tend to be delicate and lean, built for speed and agility.

Skin color is typically fair, with brown hair that can be a mix of different shades like a hare’s pelt—often darker on top, with lighter brown hair on the thinner areas of the scalp. Their ears are the same as most other Ochae’nafod; long and tapered. Eye color is brown, other colors are often a sign of mixed heritage.

As a vegetarian tribe, the Lepus wear clothing of natural fibers, often preferring unrestricted breeches and tops, or mid-length skirts.

Lifespan and Reproduction
They have the same lifespans and breeding periods of other Ochae’nafod, but their relationships are influenced by hare nature. Lepus tribesfolk are serial monogamists, often taking a mate for a long term relationship that bears at least one child, but in time these relationships tend to lose their spark and they move on to new partners. Affairs are common in the later stages of a failing relationship, and the Lepus can be rather promiscuous. Typically, there is a commitment before bearing a child together though, and a couple who chooses to have a baby together often stay together until at least that child’s teenage years, if not into the child’s adulthood.

Diet, Agriculture, and Hunting
Hares are herbivores, as is the Lepus tribe. While hares typical graze and browse, the Lepus clan instead gathers and cultivates fruits, vegetables, and more nutrient rich leafy greens.

Magic and Abilities
Like all Ochae’nafod, they do have the healing and life giving abilities of Life Elementalism, and many varying degrees of shape-shifting. Like many other Ochae’nafod, their sense of smell is enhanced based on the hare’s sense of smell.

Lepus tribes folk are often shy and wary, especially of humans, but once their trust is earned, they are a jovial and playful people who make great company. They are often anxious and nervous.
World of Aserra

Cuniculus Tribe [European Rabbit]

Post by World of Aserra » Tue May 29, 2012 9:18 am

Cuniculus Tribe
Bound to the common rabbit (comparable to Oryctolagus cuniculus of the real world) native to northern Kalesten and Thiskel, the Cuniculus tribe lives within the range of their bonded animal, but stick to more conspicuous areas than the rabbits are likely to.

Location and Settlements
The Cuniculus tribe lives throughout secluded forested areas in northern Thiskel and Kalesten. Like many boreal tribes, they make their communities in densely wooded areas and thickets. Their homes are partially underground, covered by natural growth and thatched roofs.

Appearance and Garb
The two lagomorphic tribes (Lepus and Cuniculus) are very similar in appearance, but slight details will differentiate them; the Cuniculus tribe, while still quite petite, are less lanky than the Lepus, and slightly stouter. Both tribes have average heights of 4’9” (1.44m) for males and 4’2” (1.27m) for females. Female Cuniculus are often a bit shapelier than their Lepus cousins, but still lean. Keep in mind that these differences are meant to be subtle.

Both tribes have the beautiful features of the Nafod, with large, expressive doe-like brown eyes. Males still have markedly masculine faces, while females are more delicate. The difference between tribes gives the Lepus tribe slightly more elongated features than the Cuniculus—though the typical long, tapered ears of the Nafod are the same. Hair color among the Cuniculus mimics the coat color of their rabbit form, often running through a spectrum of grayish-brown and browns. Black hair occurs rarely, as melanistic (black) rabbits occur naturally. Skin color is typically fair.

As a vegetarian tribe, the Cuniculus wear clothing of natural fibers, often preferring nonrestrictive breeches and tops, or mid-length skirts.

Lifespan and Reproduction
They have the same lifespans and breeding periods of other Ochae’nafod, but their relationships are influenced by rabbit nature. In rabbit warrens, it is typical for a dominant male to be polygynous (taking several female mates) while lesser males are monogamous to one female. Amongst the Cuniculus, a male clan leader may have several wives to whom he is committed, whereas a typical clansman may have one wife to whom he is devoted. Relationships are life-long, and the normal couple, one or two children may result over the course of their lives. Clan leaders may father at least one child with every wife in their harem, though their original wife may have already bore them one or two children before his rise to leadership.

Clans are also led by an elder pair, each one responsible for their gender in the community. While the male chief may have multiple wives, his first wife is considered the female chief of the community.

Diet, Agriculture, and Hunting
Rabbits are herbivores, as is the Cuniculus tribe. While rabbits typically graze and browse, the Cuniculus tribe instead gathers and cultivates fruits, vegetables, and more nutrient rich leafy greens.

Magic and Abilities
Like all Ochae’nafod, they have the healing and life-giving abilities of Life Elementalism and many varying degrees of shape-shifting. Like many other Ochae’nafod, their sense of smell is enhanced based on the rabbit’s sense of smell.

Cuniculus tribesfolk are often shy and wary, especially of humans, but once their trust is earned, they are a jovial and playful people who make great company. They are often anxious and nervous.
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J. M. Vincent
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Re: Discussion for Nafod Races

Post by J. M. Vincent » Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:10 am

A note for Dra'nafod... they should have a high resistance to plant based toxins. Any toxin derived from their bonded tree would have no affect on them. Mixed Dra'nafod descendants would have a higher resistance than pure humans, but not as strong as pure dra'nafod.
World of Aserra

Rough Lists of Ochae'nafod Tribes

Post by World of Aserra » Tue May 29, 2018 11:20 am

I'm just throwing together some lists of species that could be used as Ochae'nafod tribes based on size, how effective they would be to imitate in order to escape danger, and if they live in the right environments. Semi-aquatic marine species such as seals, penguins, and crocodiles may be represented if they have a significant presence on a Thiskel or Kalesten shore.

Clan names are usually derived from Genus names, though some may be shortened, species name may be used instead, or combined for similarly related species. The basic concept is that Nydoini borrowed the Latin names for Entra's shapeshifter clans, but had to make alterations here and there. They have no meaning in Aserra beyond the clan names.

North Thiskel is home to many Eurasian species, with the east being home to mainly European species and Asian species in the west with crossover in between. South Thiskel is home to primarily African species. Ageond was once home to a collection of species from Europe, SE Asian, the middle east, and islands that would compete with other species placed in Thiskel, or had no other place to go. Some species survive in the Forsaken Land, and there maybe corrupted Ochae'nafod tribes that survived.

Athok is home to a handful of artic and antarctic species, as well as some tundra dwellers, but no Ochae'nafod tribes, unless they migrated from Thiskel or Kalesten.

North Kalesten species are based on North American species. Many desert and sub-tropical species inhabit the interior coast of Kalesten and Central Kalesten. South Kalesten will be home to many South American species. Ertia will be home to Australian species, with some species that are transient by sea and air able to migrate to elsewhere in the continent. Tonult Ocean corresponds to the Pacific, Riath Sea and related bodies correspond to Atlantic ocean, Gulf of Kalesten corresponds to Carribean, Gulf of Mexico. Sea of Lertura corresponds to Arctic, southern polar ocean corresponds to Antarctic. Species that went extinct during the Anthropocene, either due to human impact or other means may be resurrected in Aserra.

North Kalesten
  • Mammals
    • Marsupial
      • Opossum
    • Rodent
      • (North American) Beaver
      • (North American) Porcupine
      • Groundhog/Marmot
    • Ungulates
      • Elk
      • Moose
      • White-Tailed Deer, Mule Deer[/i]
      • Caribou
      • (American) Bison
      • Mountain Goat
      • Bighorn Sheep
      • Pronghorn
    • Carnivores
      • Bobcat, (Canada) Lynx
      • Cougar/Mountain Lion
      • Gray/Timber Wolf
      • Coyote
      • Red Fox
      • Gray Fox
      • Brown Bear, Grizzly Bear
      • Black Bear
      • Raccoon
      • Coatis
      • Striped and Hooded Skunks
      • (American) Hog-Nosed Skunk
      • (American) River Otter
      • (American) Badger
      • Wolverine
      • Fisher
      • Sea Lion - (California, Stellar's, Austrailian)
      • Seals (Harbor, Ringed, Grey)
      • Elephant Seal
  • Birds
    • (Stellar's) Sea Eagle
    • Golden Eagle
    • Trumpeter Swan
    • Great Blue Heron
    • Whooping Crane
    • Sandhill Crane
    • Brown Pelican
    • (Australian) Pelican
    • Turkey
  • Reptiles
    • Common Snapping Turtle
    • Alligator Snapping Turtle
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J. M. Vincent
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Joined:Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:29 am
Location:Salem, OR

Re: Rough Lists of Ochae'nafod Tribes

Post by J. M. Vincent » Tue May 29, 2018 12:23 pm

Central Kalesten tribes. This region is largely tropical savannah with some high desert before becoming tropical wetlands and rainforest. South of Serdenaugh to the rainforest will encompass species familiar to the American Southwest, American South, Central America, and parts of South America. Some species cross both regions, this only lists new ones.
  • Mammals
    • Armadillos of the Dasypus genus
    • Jackrabbits (larger species) - Lepus
    • Capybara
    • Giant Anteater
    • Jaguarundi
    • Ocelot and Margay - Leopardus
    • Jaguar
    • Coatimundi
    • Maned Wolf
    • Giant Otter
    • Peccary
    • Pronghorn Antelope - including some extinct species in the Antilocapridae family.
    • Guanaco
    • Vicuña
    • Marsh Deer
    • Pampas Deer
    • Taruca, South Andean Deer - Hippocamelus genus
    • Brockets - Mazama genus
  • Birds
    • Harpy Eagle
    • California and/or Andean Condor
    • Possibly Argentavis/Giant Teratorn (extinct giant condor)
    • Jabiru (SA stork)
    • Great Blue Heron
    • (American) Flamingo
    • Rhea
  • Reptiles
    • (American) Alligator
    • Crocodiles (Orinoco, American, Morelet's)
    • Caimans
    • Tortoise species of Chelonoidis (including larger SA species and one or two Galapagos species)
    • Snapping turtles
    • Anaconda
    • Titanboa (extinct)
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