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Rules of Development
- Keep in mind that this world may be published in one way or another. I encourage you not to integrate any concepts of a story or RPG world that you are creating and intend to publish independent of Aserra.
- Any ideas you use must be original, as if I publish this game, I would not like to get slapped with copyright infringement suit for a rip-off I didn't catch.
- Do not model any nations or cultures entirely after existing nations and cultures in the real world. You may use aspects of any existing cultures, though, and it would be best to mix things up too.
- There is a need to be reasonable with cultures, abilities, and the like that are created for Aserra. I don't want nations that are the epitome of perfection, or an entirely unreasonable set of abilities that causes them to be sensationally over powered compared to others of their race.
- I must give approval for anything major created by other players, so until I tell you that I'm ok with that, don't automatically assume that it'll be canon.
dragons wiki entry
Ancient beings that are akin to gods themselves, they are intelligent, massive, reptilian creatures. Though they look primitive, they are highly evolved beings with incredible and mysterious powers of their own. The first two dragons came with Orran’sulani and Nydoini, a male named Asharisan and a female named Umossa. They both served and advised the parent gods, and when Orran’sulani and Nydoini bore their seven children, Umossa laid seven eggs. Once hatched, the young dragons bonded with these children and were aligned with the same element they represented. Zelan was given the silver dragon Vorkas, Maris was given the sea serpent Asimeth, Brecha was given the wyrm Urobolus, Alaezo was given the mighty fire dragon Kezho, Entra given the gentle green dragon Sh’Laife, Idraen was given the white dragon Nyusha, and Ispa the black dragon Alaas’th.
Once these dragons matured, they began reproducing with each other and spreading across the world. While dragons naturally exist on the higher planes alongside the gods, many crossed over into the mortal world into physical bodies, especially those of the third and later generations. These generations in the physical world laid their own eggs, thus populating Adun with dragons.
They have a varied amount of appearances. Asharisan was a large black dragon with a short, thick body, massive wings, and a long neck and tail, predominantly black with green markings, while Umossa was of similar build, though somewhat longer and leaner, and colored white and red. Due to a vastness of genetic attributes in the dragon genome, and intentional manipulation of her offspring’s genes within her, before the eggs were laid, the dragons of the second generation could barely be recognized as siblings due to their vast differences in appearance.
Vorkas was built like Umossa, and of a silvery blue color. Asimeth was long, smooth-scaled, blue, and eel-like for an aquatic existence. Urobolus was a short, dark-scaled, wingless earth-dwelling dragon built like a snake with short, sturdy legs, and a snub nose. Kezho took after Asharisan in build, but colored in red and orange. Sh’Laife was a long, snake like dragon with small wings, and somewhat short legs (but not as squat and sturdy as Urobolos), with a long, lean body and scaled in green with a feathery ridge (more resembling eastern dragons). Nyusa resembled Umossa, though with gold instead of red accents. Alaas’th was the spitting image of Asharisan.
To create further dragons, the second generation had to reproduce within themselves (due to the vast genetic diversity in dragons, inbreeding does very little damage, if any, for many generations). With only two females, Sh’Laife and Nyusha, they had to divide the work between them. Nyusha mated with Alaas’th and Kezho laid them each a clutch of eggs for each father to raise in his own way. Sh’Laife mated with Asimeth, Urobolos, and Vorkas and laid each a clutch of eggs for them to raise. Then, Sh’Laife chose Kezho to father her own clutch, while Nyusha chose Vorkas to father her offspring. Each clutch of eggs took after the parent who raised them due to careful genetic manipulation, so that they would become the foundation of their own unique dragon race. All together, around a hundred and fifty new dragons were born as the third generation, and it was many of these who crossed into the physical world and populated it with dragons.
Location and Abodes
The majority of dragons inhabit high mountains, away from most civilization. Silver (Air), White (Light), Black (Darkness), and Red (Fire) dragons all are mountain-dwelling, though Red dragons prefer volcanic mountains, and White dragons are more common in northern Thiskel, near the Idayn. Silver dragons are well-spread throughout the world’s mountains. Black dragons only inhabit the Forsaken Land, driven out by other dragons or races after the War of the Gods.
Sea serpents, descendants of Asimeth, the water dragon, inhabit the oceans of Adun. Wyrms, or Earth dragons, descendants of Urobolus, live underground and dig deep tunnels. Green dragons, descended of Sh’Laife, the Life dragon, live in the largest forests across Adun, concealed, deep, deep within where humans don’t dare trespass.
Most dragons make homes out of pre-existing caves, though wyrms dig their own tunnels. Aside from wyrms, most dragons have a bit of trouble digging out their own caves due to their short legs. If desperate though, a dragon will do its best to dig out its own cave. In some cases, other races who revere dragons have built massive temples for local dragons to both live in, and to be brought offerings.
Lifespans and Reproduction
Dragons are immortal. They rarely suffer from fatal diseases, and those that do die are often killed by human dragon slayers who, either with good reason, misunderstanding, or desire for glory, hunt and kill dragons.
With their long lifespans, modern dragons now rarely reproduce, but when they do, its often with their own species. However, on occasion, there are cases of interracial mating. With later generations, a few such unions have resulted in apparent crossbreed, rather than one or the other, as the mothers cease to control their offspring’s genetic variations as their foremothers did. As mostly solitary creatures, reproduction does not come by accident very often, only assisted by the fact that female dragons have great control over their reproductive abilities. Generally, when female dragons wish to reproduce, they will seek out a male to impregnate them, spend only as much time around him as necessary, then return to her territory.
Dragons lay anywhere from five to twenty eggs, though ten is average. Umossa originally laid only seven, matching the elemental gods, while her daughters laid clutches of around twenty in their mission to create a sustainable population. While dragon females can also control their offspring’s genetic development, they can also consciously determine how many ovum their body will produce before mating. However, those who do not make an effort generally lay around ten eggs, give or take a few. Most females only reproduce once or twice in their lives. While many second generation dragons were raised by their fathers, most modern dragons are raised by their mothers, though it is not unheard of for males to raise offspring if the mother abandons her eggs with her mate.
Female dragons rear their young for the first year of their life. While dragons are long-lived, they grow to adulthood quite fast. After hatching, they require nurturing from their mother who will bring them food and provide a minimal education, and protection. After their first year, they reach half their adult size and are capable of fending for themselves. They then leave their mother to seek their own territories.
Young dragons are not sexually mature for nearly a hundred years. Their first hundred years are spent growing and unlocking their inherited knowledge. Before they gain their Akashic knowledge, young dragons can be reckless and dangerous to humans, and have been know to attack humans and raid livestock on occasion, if their mother failed to teach them better.
Dragons are exclusively carnivores, and prefer large game (or occasionally humanoids). They tend to eat their meals in one bite, if small enough, or tear it into pieces small enough to swallow if it is a large being. In cultures that revere dragons, dragons that are the subject of worship are often provided with livestock, though Forsaken Landers who honor black dragons often make an offering of human sacrifices. While most dragons respect the elemental races, and humans, other races such as Samiss, Iengi, and Kuzo are considered fair game. Wyrms are not opposed to snacking on Kuzo that wander into their territory, and some dragons in the mountains will make a hearty meal out of an Iengi. Samiss often worship the dragons, and they will sacrifice their own kind to feed dragons, though some of the dragons in the rainforest won’t hesitate to make a meal out of any wayward Samiss that are not affiliated with them.
Religion and Beliefs
Dragons serve the gods, namely the elemental gods. Younger generations are more subservient to the gods, and even in the modern day, elemental gods may make requests of dragons aligned with their elements.
Magic and Abilities
Dragons have powerful and mystical magics at their disposal, but they do not use these powers often. Dragons both have knowledge of the usage of mana, which they only use sparingly, and soul energy, which they use more actively. However, the average solitary dragon rarely even acknowledges its magical prowess in its daily life. Those who are worshiped by humans, however, will use their magic as they see fit to bless or help their worshipers, in exchange for their continued devotion.
While they may seem like mindless beasts to the uninitiated, especially considering that they do not receive any form of education to use magic, or communicate with other races, dragons actually have a deep genetic memory, and “Akashic Recollection”, which allows them to remember their past life, and experiences on higher planes. These memories aren’t completely uncovered until the dragon is at least a hundred years old. As they reach maturity, the knowledge and memories seep into their minds until they know all there is to know from their genes and soul’s memory.
Dragons often harbor deep secrets, and rarely share them with mortals, often go as far as to seem like the mindless beasts people assume them to be. They can understand and communicate in many languages, though their physical composition doesn’t allow for speech. Instead, dragons have both a written language and a spoken tongue of what sounds they can make, and they can also communicate telepathically. Clerics who serve dragons (both clerics of dragon worshiping cultures, and clerics who serve the elemental gods in the elemental races) communicate mind to mind with dragons created a language that can be written and understood by humans, and written and spoken by dragons. This language was created many millennia ago, and through the telepathic links, genetic, and Akashic memories dragons have, was proliferated through their kind, and then to their followers, allowing for a single unified language to allow dragon and mortal communication between any dragon of any breed.
Considering their history as being spiritual beings, even dragon born on the physical plane exist as both physical and spiritual creatures. Once they reach they gain the knowledge, they learn how to transcend their physical body to traverse the higher planes, communicate with their ancestors, and the gods. They are also capable of creating temporary bodies in other forms (such as humanoid), to allow them to walk amongst people for a short time. They must do this from the higher planes, and create bodies in the same way that the gods are capable of for brief visits to the physical world in tangible form.
Dragons are often best known for their ability to breathe fire, which is accomplished through a chemical reaction in their throat that produces fire. Only a few breeds are capable of this, however. Red dragons, of course, as well as black dragons (though their flames burn purple-black due to a different chemical composition), and white dragons. Wyrms have an acidic compound that they can spit, both used for defense, and dissolving rocks for tunneling. Silver dragons have their own chemical combination that results in a cold, freezing blast. Green dragons exhale a cloud of mild chemicals that induce sleep. Sea serpents have no “breath” weapon.
While the personality types of dragons are all rather different depending on breed, they do share a common trait of a desire for solitude and isolation from both other dragon kind and mortals. Some do associate with other races, but only so long as those races respect them and give them their space.
Silver (Air) and white (Light) dragons tend to be quite noble, though silver dragons may be somewhat more “free-spirited”. Sea serpents (water dragons) tend to be very calm and placid on their own, but humans are more familiar with their more fearsome side that is known to attack ships. Most people don’t realize that those attacks are defensive, either protecting Mariel or local populations of aquatic life from overfishing. Wyrms (earth dragons) are practical and deliberate. Green (life) dragons are patient, spiritual, and peaceable. Black dragons are often malicious and cunning.
Dragons have close relations with those of aligned races; ie, silver dragons and Zaedyn, sea serpents and Mariel & Marfod, wyrms and Brech’mar, red dragons and Asath, green dragons and Ochae’nafod & Dra’nafod, white dragons and Idayn, and black dragons and Danaij. Dragons and these aligned races often co-exist, and some provide offerings and pay their respects to local dragons.
When it comes to humans and other non-elemental races, dragons are often wary of them, but when a gesture of good faith opens relations between a dragon and a local human population, for instance, it can begin a mutually beneficial system of dragon worship where the dragon is rewarded in gifts and food in exchange for protecting and blessing the humans. Some humans, however, believe that dragons are nothing but giant, mindless beasts, and would make sport of hunting them.
Dragons are not a playable race, but may be NPCs. Very small, young dragons (hatchlings) could be made into familiars or pets on rare occasions.
There are to be no “dragon-kin”, as in individuals who are part dragon and part human (or other race). Even disregarding the difference in structure, dragons are far too genetically complex for even the gods to reproduce with. You might as well mate a chimp to a chicken for all the good it’d do you.
Ancient beings that are akin to gods themselves, they are intelligent, massive, reptilian creatures. Though they look primitive, they are highly evolved beings with incredible and mysterious powers of their own. The first two dragons came with Orran’sulani and Nydoini, a male named Asharisan and a female named Umossa. They both served and advised the parent gods, and when Orran’sulani and Nydoini bore their seven children, Umossa laid seven eggs. Once hatched, the young dragons bonded with these children and were aligned with the same element they represented. Zelan was given the silver dragon Vorkas, Maris was given the sea serpent Asimeth, Brecha was given the wyrm Urobolus, Alaezo was given the mighty fire dragon Kezho, Entra given the gentle green dragon Sh’Laife, Idraen was given the white dragon Nyusha, and Ispa the black dragon Alaas’th.
Once these dragons matured, they began reproducing with each other and spreading across the world. While dragons naturally exist on the higher planes alongside the gods, many crossed over into the mortal world into physical bodies, especially those of the third and later generations. These generations in the physical world laid their own eggs, thus populating Adun with dragons.
They have a varied amount of appearances. Asharisan was a large black dragon with a short, thick body, massive wings, and a long neck and tail, predominantly black with green markings, while Umossa was of similar build, though somewhat longer and leaner, and colored white and red. Due to a vastness of genetic attributes in the dragon genome, and intentional manipulation of her offspring’s genes within her, before the eggs were laid, the dragons of the second generation could barely be recognized as siblings due to their vast differences in appearance.
Vorkas was built like Umossa, and of a silvery blue color. Asimeth was long, smooth-scaled, blue, and eel-like for an aquatic existence. Urobolus was a short, dark-scaled, wingless earth-dwelling dragon built like a snake with short, sturdy legs, and a snub nose. Kezho took after Asharisan in build, but colored in red and orange. Sh’Laife was a long, snake like dragon with small wings, and somewhat short legs (but not as squat and sturdy as Urobolos), with a long, lean body and scaled in green with a feathery ridge (more resembling eastern dragons). Nyusa resembled Umossa, though with gold instead of red accents. Alaas’th was the spitting image of Asharisan.
To create further dragons, the second generation had to reproduce within themselves (due to the vast genetic diversity in dragons, inbreeding does very little damage, if any, for many generations). With only two females, Sh’Laife and Nyusha, they had to divide the work between them. Nyusha mated with Alaas’th and Kezho laid them each a clutch of eggs for each father to raise in his own way. Sh’Laife mated with Asimeth, Urobolos, and Vorkas and laid each a clutch of eggs for them to raise. Then, Sh’Laife chose Kezho to father her own clutch, while Nyusha chose Vorkas to father her offspring. Each clutch of eggs took after the parent who raised them due to careful genetic manipulation, so that they would become the foundation of their own unique dragon race. All together, around a hundred and fifty new dragons were born as the third generation, and it was many of these who crossed into the physical world and populated it with dragons.
Location and Abodes
The majority of dragons inhabit high mountains, away from most civilization. Silver (Air), White (Light), Black (Darkness), and Red (Fire) dragons all are mountain-dwelling, though Red dragons prefer volcanic mountains, and White dragons are more common in northern Thiskel, near the Idayn. Silver dragons are well-spread throughout the world’s mountains. Black dragons only inhabit the Forsaken Land, driven out by other dragons or races after the War of the Gods.
Sea serpents, descendants of Asimeth, the water dragon, inhabit the oceans of Adun. Wyrms, or Earth dragons, descendants of Urobolus, live underground and dig deep tunnels. Green dragons, descended of Sh’Laife, the Life dragon, live in the largest forests across Adun, concealed, deep, deep within where humans don’t dare trespass.
Most dragons make homes out of pre-existing caves, though wyrms dig their own tunnels. Aside from wyrms, most dragons have a bit of trouble digging out their own caves due to their short legs. If desperate though, a dragon will do its best to dig out its own cave. In some cases, other races who revere dragons have built massive temples for local dragons to both live in, and to be brought offerings.
Lifespans and Reproduction
Dragons are immortal. They rarely suffer from fatal diseases, and those that do die are often killed by human dragon slayers who, either with good reason, misunderstanding, or desire for glory, hunt and kill dragons.
With their long lifespans, modern dragons now rarely reproduce, but when they do, its often with their own species. However, on occasion, there are cases of interracial mating. With later generations, a few such unions have resulted in apparent crossbreed, rather than one or the other, as the mothers cease to control their offspring’s genetic variations as their foremothers did. As mostly solitary creatures, reproduction does not come by accident very often, only assisted by the fact that female dragons have great control over their reproductive abilities. Generally, when female dragons wish to reproduce, they will seek out a male to impregnate them, spend only as much time around him as necessary, then return to her territory.
Dragons lay anywhere from five to twenty eggs, though ten is average. Umossa originally laid only seven, matching the elemental gods, while her daughters laid clutches of around twenty in their mission to create a sustainable population. While dragon females can also control their offspring’s genetic development, they can also consciously determine how many ovum their body will produce before mating. However, those who do not make an effort generally lay around ten eggs, give or take a few. Most females only reproduce once or twice in their lives. While many second generation dragons were raised by their fathers, most modern dragons are raised by their mothers, though it is not unheard of for males to raise offspring if the mother abandons her eggs with her mate.
Female dragons rear their young for the first year of their life. While dragons are long-lived, they grow to adulthood quite fast. After hatching, they require nurturing from their mother who will bring them food and provide a minimal education, and protection. After their first year, they reach half their adult size and are capable of fending for themselves. They then leave their mother to seek their own territories.
Young dragons are not sexually mature for nearly a hundred years. Their first hundred years are spent growing and unlocking their inherited knowledge. Before they gain their Akashic knowledge, young dragons can be reckless and dangerous to humans, and have been know to attack humans and raid livestock on occasion, if their mother failed to teach them better.
Dragons are exclusively carnivores, and prefer large game (or occasionally humanoids). They tend to eat their meals in one bite, if small enough, or tear it into pieces small enough to swallow if it is a large being. In cultures that revere dragons, dragons that are the subject of worship are often provided with livestock, though Forsaken Landers who honor black dragons often make an offering of human sacrifices. While most dragons respect the elemental races, and humans, other races such as Samiss, Iengi, and Kuzo are considered fair game. Wyrms are not opposed to snacking on Kuzo that wander into their territory, and some dragons in the mountains will make a hearty meal out of an Iengi. Samiss often worship the dragons, and they will sacrifice their own kind to feed dragons, though some of the dragons in the rainforest won’t hesitate to make a meal out of any wayward Samiss that are not affiliated with them.
Religion and Beliefs
Dragons serve the gods, namely the elemental gods. Younger generations are more subservient to the gods, and even in the modern day, elemental gods may make requests of dragons aligned with their elements.
Magic and Abilities
Dragons have powerful and mystical magics at their disposal, but they do not use these powers often. Dragons both have knowledge of the usage of mana, which they only use sparingly, and soul energy, which they use more actively. However, the average solitary dragon rarely even acknowledges its magical prowess in its daily life. Those who are worshiped by humans, however, will use their magic as they see fit to bless or help their worshipers, in exchange for their continued devotion.
While they may seem like mindless beasts to the uninitiated, especially considering that they do not receive any form of education to use magic, or communicate with other races, dragons actually have a deep genetic memory, and “Akashic Recollection”, which allows them to remember their past life, and experiences on higher planes. These memories aren’t completely uncovered until the dragon is at least a hundred years old. As they reach maturity, the knowledge and memories seep into their minds until they know all there is to know from their genes and soul’s memory.
Dragons often harbor deep secrets, and rarely share them with mortals, often go as far as to seem like the mindless beasts people assume them to be. They can understand and communicate in many languages, though their physical composition doesn’t allow for speech. Instead, dragons have both a written language and a spoken tongue of what sounds they can make, and they can also communicate telepathically. Clerics who serve dragons (both clerics of dragon worshiping cultures, and clerics who serve the elemental gods in the elemental races) communicate mind to mind with dragons created a language that can be written and understood by humans, and written and spoken by dragons. This language was created many millennia ago, and through the telepathic links, genetic, and Akashic memories dragons have, was proliferated through their kind, and then to their followers, allowing for a single unified language to allow dragon and mortal communication between any dragon of any breed.
Considering their history as being spiritual beings, even dragon born on the physical plane exist as both physical and spiritual creatures. Once they reach they gain the knowledge, they learn how to transcend their physical body to traverse the higher planes, communicate with their ancestors, and the gods. They are also capable of creating temporary bodies in other forms (such as humanoid), to allow them to walk amongst people for a short time. They must do this from the higher planes, and create bodies in the same way that the gods are capable of for brief visits to the physical world in tangible form.
Dragons are often best known for their ability to breathe fire, which is accomplished through a chemical reaction in their throat that produces fire. Only a few breeds are capable of this, however. Red dragons, of course, as well as black dragons (though their flames burn purple-black due to a different chemical composition), and white dragons. Wyrms have an acidic compound that they can spit, both used for defense, and dissolving rocks for tunneling. Silver dragons have their own chemical combination that results in a cold, freezing blast. Green dragons exhale a cloud of mild chemicals that induce sleep. Sea serpents have no “breath” weapon.
While the personality types of dragons are all rather different depending on breed, they do share a common trait of a desire for solitude and isolation from both other dragon kind and mortals. Some do associate with other races, but only so long as those races respect them and give them their space.
Silver (Air) and white (Light) dragons tend to be quite noble, though silver dragons may be somewhat more “free-spirited”. Sea serpents (water dragons) tend to be very calm and placid on their own, but humans are more familiar with their more fearsome side that is known to attack ships. Most people don’t realize that those attacks are defensive, either protecting Mariel or local populations of aquatic life from overfishing. Wyrms (earth dragons) are practical and deliberate. Green (life) dragons are patient, spiritual, and peaceable. Black dragons are often malicious and cunning.
Dragons have close relations with those of aligned races; ie, silver dragons and Zaedyn, sea serpents and Mariel & Marfod, wyrms and Brech’mar, red dragons and Asath, green dragons and Ochae’nafod & Dra’nafod, white dragons and Idayn, and black dragons and Danaij. Dragons and these aligned races often co-exist, and some provide offerings and pay their respects to local dragons.
When it comes to humans and other non-elemental races, dragons are often wary of them, but when a gesture of good faith opens relations between a dragon and a local human population, for instance, it can begin a mutually beneficial system of dragon worship where the dragon is rewarded in gifts and food in exchange for protecting and blessing the humans. Some humans, however, believe that dragons are nothing but giant, mindless beasts, and would make sport of hunting them.
Dragons are not a playable race, but may be NPCs. Very small, young dragons (hatchlings) could be made into familiars or pets on rare occasions.
There are to be no “dragon-kin”, as in individuals who are part dragon and part human (or other race). Even disregarding the difference in structure, dragons are far too genetically complex for even the gods to reproduce with. You might as well mate a chimp to a chicken for all the good it’d do you.
- Alera Tai'var
- Member
- Posts:491
- Joined:Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:24 pm
Ability: Dragon-Bound (Rough)
Ability: Dragon-Bound
Very rarely, a dragon can choose to permanently bond itself with a mortal being. A Dragon-Bound individual is commonly made to be the negotiator between a dragon and local populations of mortals or as messengers abroad. As a Dragon-Bound, a character can find themselves benefiting from all of the power and wisdom of a dragon at the price of their own agency.
This is done through a private ritual in which the dragon gives a small portion of its soul to its bonded mortal. Often, this ritual also involves the traditional drinking of the dragon’s blood as a shared experience. Becoming Dragon-Bound can be a voluntary or involuntary process, depending on the individual desires of the dragon. Often, a dragon may simply create a homunculus to bond with instead of taking a mortal.
The act has profound results. When the ritual is complete, the Dragon-Bound is tied to the dragon’s will. The dragon can exercise any level of control it desires, from subtle influence of things like emotion and what thoughts can be had to operating the individual like a puppet down to every breath. Often, dragons will influence opinion and thought processes without letting their bound individual know and occasionally take complete control to speak through them.
The connection between dragon and bound mortal operates in both directions. Though dragons can choose the extent of this effect, their bound mortals are capable of reaching into the minds of their dragon masters, gaining access to knowledge and skills that would normally be beyond them. Only what the dragon deems useful is accessible. Mental communication is heavily relied on between the two, as dragons are incapable of human speech.
The dragon can also induce all sorts of changes in their mortals, including enhanced senses, increased magical potential, and physical development. Any potential alterations come at the will of the dragon.
There is only one way to break the Dragon-Bound condition: to die. More often than not, it is the dragon who decides to terminate the relationship, as most dragons ensure that their bound individuals feel positively about their bond.
Very rarely, a dragon can choose to permanently bond itself with a mortal being. A Dragon-Bound individual is commonly made to be the negotiator between a dragon and local populations of mortals or as messengers abroad. As a Dragon-Bound, a character can find themselves benefiting from all of the power and wisdom of a dragon at the price of their own agency.
This is done through a private ritual in which the dragon gives a small portion of its soul to its bonded mortal. Often, this ritual also involves the traditional drinking of the dragon’s blood as a shared experience. Becoming Dragon-Bound can be a voluntary or involuntary process, depending on the individual desires of the dragon. Often, a dragon may simply create a homunculus to bond with instead of taking a mortal.
The act has profound results. When the ritual is complete, the Dragon-Bound is tied to the dragon’s will. The dragon can exercise any level of control it desires, from subtle influence of things like emotion and what thoughts can be had to operating the individual like a puppet down to every breath. Often, dragons will influence opinion and thought processes without letting their bound individual know and occasionally take complete control to speak through them.
The connection between dragon and bound mortal operates in both directions. Though dragons can choose the extent of this effect, their bound mortals are capable of reaching into the minds of their dragon masters, gaining access to knowledge and skills that would normally be beyond them. Only what the dragon deems useful is accessible. Mental communication is heavily relied on between the two, as dragons are incapable of human speech.
The dragon can also induce all sorts of changes in their mortals, including enhanced senses, increased magical potential, and physical development. Any potential alterations come at the will of the dragon.
There is only one way to break the Dragon-Bound condition: to die. More often than not, it is the dragon who decides to terminate the relationship, as most dragons ensure that their bound individuals feel positively about their bond.
Dragons are ancient beings akin to gods themselves. They are intelligent and massive reptilian creatures, and though they look primitive, they are highly evolved beings with incredible and mysterious powers of their own. Dragons are native to the higher planes, but many have crossed over to the Prime Material Plane to populate Aserra.The first two dragons came with Orran’sulani and Nydoini; a male named Asharisan and a female named Umossa. They were companions to the gods and served as advisers and lieutenants. After Nydoini bore seven children, Umossa laid a clutch of seven eggs, providing a companion for each of the children. Once hatched, the young dragons bonded with the children and were aligned with the same elements they represented. Zelan was given the silver dragon Vorkas who was aligned with the element of Air; Maris was given the sea serpent Asimeth; Brecha was given the wyrm Urobolus; Alaezo was given the mighty red fire dragon Kezho; Entra was given the gentle green dragon Sh’Laife; Idraen was given the white dragon Nyusha; and Ispa was given the black dragon Alaas’th.
The second generation of dragons, much like the second generation of gods, had varied appearances. Asharisan was a large black dragon with a short, thick body, massive wings, a long neck and tail, and was predominantly black with green markings, while Umossa was of a longer and leaner build and colored white and red. Due tot he vastness of genetic attributes in the dragon genome, and the intentional manipulation of her offspring’s genes before the eggs were laid, the dragons of the second generation could barely be recognized as siblings. Vorkas was built like Umossa, and of a silvery-blue color, while Asimeth was long, smooth-scaled, blue, and eel-like for an aquatic existence. Urobolus was a short, dark-scaled wingless earth-dwelling dragon build more like a snake, but with short, sturdy legs, and a snub nose. Kezho took after Asharisan in build, but colored with red and orange. Sh’Laife was a long, snake-like dragon with small wings, short and lean legs, and a lean snake-like body scaled in green with a feathery ridge down her back (resembling Eastern dragons). Nyusha resembled Umossa, though with gold instead of red accents and Alaas’th was the spitting image of Asharisan, but with red markings rather than green.
To create further dragons, the second generation had to reproduce within itself. Due to the vast genetic diversity in dragons, inbreeding does very little damage, if any, for many generations. With only two females, Sh’Laife and Nyusha, the work had to be divided between them. Nyusha mated with Alaas’th, laid him a clutch of eggs and allowed him to take them to raise in his own way, then did the same for Kezho. To father her own clutch, she chose Vorkas. Sh’Laife first mated with Asimeth, provided him with his own offspring, then did the same for Urobolus, and Vorkas before choosing Kezho to father her own clutch. Each clutch of eggs took after the parent whom they were raised by due to careful genetic manipulation so that they would be the beginnings of their parent’s race. All together, around one hundred and fifty new dragons were born as the third generation, and it was many of these who crossed into the physical world to establish a population of dragons there.
The rest of this article will deal with the details of dragons residing in the prime material plane.
Magic and Abilities
Dragons have powerful and mystical magics at their disposal, but they do not use these powers often. They have both the knowledge of mana, which is used sparingly, and soul energy, which they employ more often. However, the average solitary dragon rarely even acknowledges its magical prowess in its daily life, though those who are worshiped by humans often use magic for blessings and small boons in exchange for continued devotion and offerings.
While dragons may seem like mindless and monstrous beasts to the uninitiated—considering that they do not receive any form of education to use magic, or communicate easily with other races—dragons actually have deep genetic memories and “Akashic Recollection”, which allows them to remember their past lives and experiences in higher planes. These memories aren’t completely recovered until the dragon is at least five-hundred years old. As they reach maturity, the knowledge and memories seep into their minds until they know all there is to know from the memories of their fore-bearers and souls.
Dragons often harbor deep secrets and rarely share them with mortals, often going so far as to seem like the mindless creatures people assume them to be to avoid being troubled by curious people. They can understand many languages, though their physical composition doesn’t allow for speech in human tongues. Instead, dragons have both a written language and spoken tongue of their own with what sounds they can make, and they can communicate telepathically. Many thousands of years ago, dragons who had earned the trust of other races were able to create a language through telepathic connections that could be understood and written by both. The language proliferated through dragon-kind via telepathic links with each other, and was passed down through the genetic memory and Akashic Recollection to younger dragons. Clerics of dragon worshiping cultures and clerics of the elemental races whom keep in contact with dragons are all taught this language, and it can be taught to new followers by the dragons as well. It is a runic language which dragons can draw in the ground or other surfaces with their claws, or interpreted through grunts, growls, and other sounds produced by the dragon by the clerics, and written as runes by the clerics—though since dragons can easily understand the spoken language of their clerics, this step is often unnecessary, but the dragonic runes serve as a secret means of communication for the clerics, and sometimes the entire culture.
Considering their history as spiritual beings, even dragons born in the prime material plane exist as both physical and spiritual creatures. Once they unlock their knowledge, they learn how to transcend their physical body to traverse the higher planes and communicate with their ancestors and the gods. They are also capable of creating temporary bodies in other forms (such as human, Idayn, etc.) to allow them to walk amongst people for a short time. They must do this from the higher planes, and create bodies in the same way that the gods are capable of for brief visits to the physical world in tangible form.
Dragons are often best known for their ability to breathe fire, which is accomplished through a chemical reaction in an organ in their throat. Only a few races are capable of this, however. Red dragons, of course, as well as black dragons (though their flames burn purple-black due a different chemical composition), and white dragons. Wyrms have an acidic compound that they can spit, both used for defense and dissolving rocks for tunneling. Silver dragons have their own chemical compound that results in a cold, freezing blast of wind. Green dragons exhale a cloud of gas that induces sleep. Sea serpents have no “breath” weapon.
Location and Abodes
The majority of dragons inhabit high mountains, away from most civilization. Silver or Air dragons live throughout many mountain ranges throughout Thiskel and Kalesten and even Athok, while white or Light dragons stick to mountains of the northern hemisphere, mostly centered around Thiskel’s Ideil range, Athok’s southern mountains, and the Kaius range. Red, or Fire, dragons prefer volcanic mountains, sometimes on the mainlands, but also volcanic island chains in the Tonult. Black dragons are limited to the Forsaken Lands, and perhaps some outlying islands where they haven’t been hunted by Idayn and humans. Sea serpents inhabit the oceans of Aserra, making homes in underwater caves in shallower oceans, often near islands so they can breath air. Wyrms are subterranean, dwelling in deep caves and under the earth. Green dragons prefer forests, often in mountain foothills.
Most dragons prefer to make homes in pre-existing caves. With the exception of wyrms, most dragons have a bit of trouble digging out their own caves due to short legs. Dragons that are intelligent enough may employ magic to assist them. In some cases, other races that revere dragons have built massive temples for the local dragon to reside in and be brought offerings in.
Lifespans and Reproduction
Dragons are immortal, and rarely suffer from fatal diseases. Those that do die are often killed by human dragon slayers who, either with good reason, misunderstanding, or desire for glory, hunt and kill dragons.
With their long lifespans, modern dragons now rarely reproduce, but when they do, it is often with their own race. On occasion, there are cases of interracial mating. Typically, the hatchlings take after their mother, but later generations a few such unions have resulted in apparent crossbreeds as the mothers cease to control their offspring’s genetic variations as their fore-mothers did.
As mostly solitary creatures, reproduction does not come by accident very often, only assisted by the fact that female dragons have great control over their own fertility. Generally, when a female dragon wishes to reproduce, she will mark her territory with pheromone-enhanced markings that entice males from hundreds of miles to her territory where they will battle for the right to mate with her. Once a mate is chosen, the female will tolerate his company only as long as necessary to ensure a fertile clutch of eggs, then chase him away.
Dragons lay anywhere from one to five eggs. Umossa originally laid a clutch of seven to match the elemental gods, while her daughters laid clutches of around twenty in their mission to create a sustainable population. As dragon females can control their offsprings’ genetic predispositions, they can also consciously determine how many ovum their body will produce before mating. Without this conscious effort on behalf of the mother, clutches are usually less than five eggs. Most females will only reproduce once or twice in their entire lives. And while many second generation dragons were raised by their fathers, modern dragons are usually raised solely by the mother, unless she insists that her mate care for the young. Some fathers may look on from afar to be certain their offspring survive, and on occasion, have taken over the duty of raising them if the mother is slain. In the case of clutches around three to five eggs, females may also leave one or two eggs with the father for him to raise.
Female dragons raise their young for the first ten years of their life, nurturing them from hatching by feeding them, cleaning them, and providing a basic education. After this first decade, they reach half their adult size and become far too much of a burden on resources to remain in their mother’s territory, at which point she sends them out into the world to find their own territories. Young dragons are not sexually mature until they are around five hundred years old. The first five hundred years of their life are spent growing and unlocking their inherited (Akashic) knowledge. Before unlocking their Akashic recollection, young dragons can be reckless and dangerous to humans, and have been known to attack humans and raid livestock.
Dragons are exclusively carnivores, preferring large game and occasionally humanoids. They tend to eat their meals in one bite, or by tearing their prey apart bite by bite if it is too large to be swallowed whole. In cultures that revere dragons, their patron dragon is often presented with livestock, but some cultures provide human sacrifice (typically, Forsaken Landers and their black dragons, but sometimes red dragons as well). While most dragons respect the elemental races and even humans, they consider other races like Kuzo, Iengi, and Samiss to be fair game. Silver and White dragons typically consider eating humans to be completely abhorrent, but won’t hesitate to snack on less intelligent Kuzo and Iengi. Sea serpents will not harm Mariel or Marfod, but they will make meals of sailors. Red dragons, often united with Asath cultures, may eat Asath as sacrifices if it is part of the culture. Young red dragons may hunt Asath only to be appeased with a bargain of sacrifices, but elders would not hunt them. Depending on their relations with humans, they may or may not eat humans or other races. Wyrms do no harm to Brech’mar, but may eat Kuzo and Iengi, and humans that venture too close to their lair if they feel they are a threat. Green dragons are almost reluctant carnivores and will not eat anything with a semblance of sentience. Black dragons may terrorize human settlements in the Forsaken Land, but will not harm Danaij, with the exception of sacrifices (usually individuals of the lower caste or criminals). The Samiss often worship dragons (typically silver, green, or red dragons), but silver or red dragons won’t hesitate to eat a wayward Samiss that isn’t affiliated with them.
Personality and Relations
While the personality types of dragons are all rather different depending on race, they do share a common trait of a desire for solitude and isolation from other dragon kind and mortals. Their solitary nature is mostly a product of the fact that having more than one adult dragon in a region is a serious strain on resources, so it is best for them to live separately. Dragons that are worshiped and honored keep their servants at arm’s length, only allowing them around for specific ceremonies.
Each dragon race is aligned with the elemental race of the same element. Silver dragons are aligned with Zaedyn, and the Aeul’Idayn in Athok; Sea serpents are aligned with the Mariel and Marfod; Wyrms are aligned with the Brech’mar; red dragons are aligned with the Asath; green dragons with the Ochae’nafod, Dra’nafod, and Fayl’Idayn; white dragons with the Idayn; and black dragons with the Danaij and Danaij’vai. They do not necessarily always co-exist, but when one culture shares a region with a dragon of a similarly aligned dragon, they often offer it tribute and respect.
When it comes to other races, humans especially, dragons are often wary of them. In general, humans are often scared of dragons considering their size and fearsome appearance, as well as being aware of frightening tales of rampaging dragons (often the result of young dragons causing havoc in establishing their territory and finding an easy meal of livestock). For this reason, dragons prefer to keep their distance from humans, but a gesture of good will can open relations between a dragon and local human populations. This can lead to a culture that worships the dragon for its knowledge and magical powers, offering tribute in the form of food and riches and sometimes sacrifices in exchange for blessings and boons from the dragon. Several human cultures across Aserra are dragon worshiping (the Kaius barbarians, for one, follow the silver dragon Kaius). Kuzo can occasionally parlay favor with wyrms or green dragons, and Samiss often feel akin to dragons as both are reptilian.
Silver and white dragons are quite noble and virtuous, though silver dragons are markedly more “free-spirited”. Sea serpents are usually very calm and placid creatures, but humans are more familiar with their more fearsome side as the majority of human interactions with them are sea serpents attacking sailing vessels. Most people don’t realize that attacking sea serpents are usually on the defensive; either protecting Mariel habitats or protecting their territory from damage or overfishing. Wyrms are practical and deliberate. Red dragons are fierce and aggressive, but can be bargained with. Green dragons are patient, spiritual, and peaceable. Black dragons are often malicious and cunning, only finding common ground amongst the equally cunning and malicious Danaij.
Dragons are not a playable race in general, but can be NPCs. Very small dragon hatchlings could be made into familiars or pets on rare occasion, but there are many complications that must be considered.
There are to be no “dragon-kin”, as in individuals who are part dragon and part human (or of another race). Even disregarding the difference in structure, dragons are far too genetically complex for even the gods to reproduce with.
- J. M. Vincent
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Re: Ability: Dragon-Bound (Rough)
Looking at revising abilities now, I don't think that I can include this as they're leaning toward being just psychic abilities now. This can be a stand alone article that I'll revise for the RP later.
- little knight
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Re: Ability: Dragon-Bound (Rough)
... does this mean that certain characters will yell out "Fu su rah!"?
- sekiria-azael
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Discussions for Dragons
Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on the subject of Aserra's Dragons.
- J. M. Vincent
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Re: Ability: Dragon-Bound (Rough)
Added into the religions section regarding dragon worship: http://forum.aserra-rpg.com/viewtopic.p ... 8748#p8748