Continent of Kalesten

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Re: Kalesten - Kalestine Empire

Post by Mid-Boss » Mon Jun 29, 2009 12:51 pm

I was thinking that magic has taken on a new role in Kalestine with the militerization. Part of the Imperial War Colledge in Kales is dedicated to training the War Weavers, sorcerers who are taught tactics and strategy so they can support the rank and file.
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Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Post by Astrid Starwind » Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:07 am

Just few quick suggestions.

The most most notable feature of the Agenomians is their skin colour. Their skin colour is mainly from light caramel to light cocoa colour. To have pale skin is considered rare and beautiful as to having blond hair. The most common hair colours are black, brown and red.To have wavy or curly hair is considered normal and if you were born with straight hair, it was curled daily across the first and the second tier.

It is common to see large half moon or almond shaped eyes in Agenom across all classes framed typically by long eyelashes. The most common eye colour in this region is either amber brown, hazel or green. If you have blue eyes, it was highly prized amongst first and second tier classes. If you had any other uncommon eye colour, most people saw that as having a non human ancestry somewhere. The average height for woman is 5 foot 5 inches and man's average is 5 foot 9 to 6 foot.

As to population for Coom is much more akin to a small city of today. Something like 200,000 or around there. I can imagine a lot of foreigners always hanging around at any one time. Dashy is like a large port trading town with a population of 20,000 to 25,000. Other small towns and villages generally range from 150 to 3000.

I hope that helps! tweak it as you see fit!
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Re: Kalesten - Emkal

Post by J. M. Vincent » Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:32 am

Emkal is pretty much done for now.
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Discussion for Nation of Belvon

Post by J. M. Vincent » Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:10 pm

Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on the nation of Belvon.
Rory has suggested that this country be somewhat atheistic and technologically advanced. They are also very secluded and have an isolationist attitude.
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Re: Kalesten - Belvon

Post by Astrid Starwind » Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:59 am

perhaps a shamanist culture? who said technology and shamanism doesn't mix?

And no I mean nothing like our world's shinto religion, but the population just sorta believes in natural spirits in their own minds but don't have a central temple anything nor priests etc.
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Re: Kalesten - Belvon

Post by J. M. Vincent » Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:48 am

Eh, the point was to get away from religion and mysticism and focus on what's tangible and realistic, as they perceive it. If they aren't going to believe in the gods, they sure as hell aren't going to believe in spirits.

As for shamanist cultures, the Kaius barbarians will be strongly shamanic, as will the Ertians.
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Re: Kalesten - Belvon

Post by Astrid Starwind » Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:14 am

oh okay >_<...oooh...this is going to be far advanced are they??
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Re: Kalesten - Belvon

Post by J. M. Vincent » Thu Aug 20, 2009 8:13 am

Not sure yet. This will be the nation with early firearm technology, and lots of steambased tech. Sort of an early steam-punk sort of nation?
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Re: Kalesten - Belvon

Post by Astrid Starwind » Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:38 am

I like the idea but does that mean either they are a very desirable target for larger nations or they are an aggressive nation themselves?
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Re: Kalesten - Belvon

Post by J. M. Vincent » Fri Aug 21, 2009 8:14 am

They are isolationists and very secretive. I think they will have a strong military to protect their borders. They also have to deal with piracy in their oceans.
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Discussion for Nation of Rheneld

Post by J. M. Vincent » Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:12 pm

Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on the nation of Rheneld.
Rheneld might be a bit bohemian and artistic, the base of the temples of Essan and the muses.
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Re: Kalesten - Kalestine Empire

Post by J. M. Vincent » Sun Sep 13, 2009 5:43 pm

Mid-Boss wrote:I was thinking that magic has taken on a new role in Kalestine with the militerization. Part of the Imperial War Colledge in Kales is dedicated to training the War Weavers, sorcerers who are taught tactics and strategy so they can support the rank and file.
I'm not sure that would work with the secret nature of sorcerers, however it is possible for one kabal of sorcerers to chose to work with the nation, perhaps led by a sorcerer/ess who is a close friend of Essat. Sorcerers would usually scoff at the idea of lending their power to some nation unless there was something in it for them. Mere money would mean nothing to them, loyalty to their homeland would mean nothing, it would have be something very meaningful. As I don't see Kalestine/Chegar having any major resources to please a sorcerer, I think that it would have to be a close, personal relationship spearheaded by a mage who has his own ambitions.
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Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Post by J. M. Vincent » Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:41 am

I overlooked your response for awhile there, Kat, but I've updated the country's information, and it now has a page on the site:

I changed them to being more Mediterranean in coloration, rather than being duskier as you suggested. So, they are somewhat darker than most Kalestans, but olive complected.
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Re: Kalesten - Emkal

Post by Rothene » Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:01 pm

Don't mind coming up with some name of schools of Sorcery in Emkal so that my sorcerer can claim he comes from one with pride.
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Re: Kalesten - Emkal

Post by J. M. Vincent » Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:04 pm

You can make one up if you like.
World of Aserra

Continent of Kalesten

Post by World of Aserra » Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:20 pm


Kalesten is west of Thiskel and bordered on the east by the vast Tonult Ocean. The northern portion of the continent is inhabited by humans and broken up into several nations. Kalesten is also inhabited by Zaedyn, Brech’mar, Ochae’nafod, Dra’nafod, Eain’Idayn, Fayl’Idayn, Oir’Idayn, Ur’Idayn, Kiar, Kuzo, and Iengi. Connected to the southeastern corner of Kalesten is the sub-continent of Ertia, which is separated from the rest of Kalesten by sheer cliffs, rugged mountains, and the dense Ardir Forest.

Lands of Kaius
The northern most portion of Kalesten consists of coniferous forests and steppes, and is claimed by the Kaius barbarian tribes. The northern peninsula peaks above the arctic circle and is covered by the Kaius Mountains, a dense, high-reaching craggy range that is sparsely inhabited by some heartier Brech’mar tribes. The mountains are also home to many dragons, including their namesake dragon, the drake Kaius, whom the barbarians regard as their god. South of the mountains, the Lands of Kaius become steppe in center of their lands, and forests along the coastlines. A few Ochae’nafod tribes inhabit the forested areas. The Kaius barbarians are the most populous of the region, with many tribes and clans. Many of the steppe tribes are nomadic, wandering north and south with the seasons, while the coastal tribes are more established in villages.

A number of rivers and streams run down from sources in the Kaius Mountains, and into the Green Sea several hundred miles south, most notably the Tonnum, Quathery, and Velemray rivers which eventually merge into the Lyteus River that feeds into the Green Sea. The only true city of the Kaius people, Oni’kel, is located near the point at which the Quathery and Velemray rivers merge and become the Lyteus River.

To the east of the Lyteus is a wide band of unclaimed land, left untouched by the southern nations, and often uninhabited by the Kaius. The region is known as the Neutral Zone and acts as a buffer between the southern nations and barbarian raiders. To the west of the river is the nation of Samonight.

Green Sea
This large inland sea is centered in the eastern region of Kalesten, and is fed freshwater by the Lyteus River from the north, and empties into the ocean through the Siol River to the southwest and Vies River to the northeast. Bordering the sea is the Kalestine Empire to the west, Samonight to the east, Kosony to the south, and Lands of Kaius to the north. The region surrounding the sea is mostly open farmland and a mix of deciduous and coniferous forests. The region around the Siol river is mostly swamp.

Kosony & The Ardir Forest
To the south of the Green Sea is the nation of Kosony, which stretches to the Ardir Forest. The Ardir is inhabited predominantly by the Fayl’Idayn, but also many tribes of Ochae’nafod and Dra’nafod. This stretch of land climbs in altitude steadily as you travel southward, as the sub-continent of Ertia to the south has wedged itself beneath Kalesten, resulting in the creation of a plateau. At its highest, the plateau ends in high cliffs and intractable mountains that separate Ertia from Kalesten.

At the foot of the plateau lies a broad, mostly flat continent that reaches into the tropics. To the northeast is lush jungles inhabited by exotic Ochae’nafod tribes and Asath, while most of the continent is tropical grassland, and smaller areas of jungle. Several rivers flow from sources in the mountains. The greater river that flows toward the southeast is the Useru, and the large river to the east is the Najoja. Only three human nations claim Ertia; the old nation of Ertia on the northwestern coast (which once claimed the entire sub-continent), Samdra to the southeast, and Shyon which claims much of central, south, and western Ertia. Several tribes of Ochae’nafod live in the grasslands to the north, far deeper into the grasslands than Shyon settlements will dare reach.

Western Kalesten
The rest of the northern portion of the Kalesten continents points southwest. The central region, made up of nations such as the Kalestine Empire, Isbany, Rheneld, and Chawoven is often referred to as the Heartland as its fertile grounds have kept it well-populated by humans for hundreds of years. Many nations have risen and fallen until giving way to the countries that fill the Heartland now, but the land is much the same. From the west bank of the Green Sea to the Polnal River is mostly pasture and woodland, claimed currently by the Kalestine Empire and Isbany. South of the Polnal River, two mountain ranges rise along the north and south coasts of Kalesten; the Gayntos on the north and the Perdrasers to the south. In between the two ranges is the fertile valley that is claimed by Chawoven. On the northeastern end of the Gayntos is the nation of Rheneld, which has a mix of rolling pastureland and denser forests near the mountains. On the north side of the Gayntos mountains, along Kalesten’s central northern coast is the nation of Emkal, which is afforded some seclusion with the mountain range nearly surrounding their southern borders.

The southern Perdraser Range serves as Chawoven’s southern border. On the coastal side is the nation of Agenom which has a slightly warmer climate (Mediterranean) than their neighbors to the north. Zaedyn, Brech’mar, Ochae’nafod, Dra’nafod, Kuzo, and a few Iengi call the mountains and surrounding forests home.

From the far western edge of the Perdraser Range flows the Eora River, which after a few hundred miles splits in two. The southern Eora arcs down to the thin isthmus of Central Kalesten, providing a natural border for western Agenom before splitting once more and emptying into the sea on either side of the isthmus. The northern Eora flows westward, cutting through the nation of Belvon and into Serdenaugh where it meets the sea. Much of the land in the west is currently unclaimed open prairie, home to Kiar villages and some small herds of Eain’Idayn. Outside the northern border of Belvon, near the southwestern end of the Gayntos Mountains is the Beon forest, which is inhabited by Ochae’nafod, Dra’nafod, and Eain’Idayn.

Central Kalesten Isthmus
This long, narrow stretch of land that connects the two larger sections of the continent of Kalesten is covered in sub-tropical and tropical grassland and beaches. The two south forks of the Eora River are a barrier to many travelers (though also serve as a canal for ships), and isolate the peoples that live to the south, such as the Oir’Idayn and more primitive human tribes. This region is also home to Eain’Idayn and some Ochae’nafod tribes.

Southern Kalesten
At the end of the isthmus is a sub-continent only slightly smaller than the northern portion of the continent. Nearly the entire region is covered in rainforest. The thick southwestern peninsula has a mountain range along its southern coast. The direct south of the sub-continent is a small peninsular delta which flows into the southern ocean. The southeast of the sub-continent is a longer, thinner, curving peninsula with two small mountain ranges and is covered partially in rainforest, grassland and swampland.

There are no human nations here, only the remnants of an ancient civilization that was eradicated by the Ur’Idayn. The forest is also inhabited by the Samiss and Ochae’nafod tribes. The mountains are also home to a few Zaedyn cities.
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Discussion for Nation of Serdenaugh

Post by J. M. Vincent » Fri May 04, 2012 2:31 pm

Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on the nation of Serdenaugh.
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Discussion for Nation of Samonight

Post by J. M. Vincent » Fri May 04, 2012 2:31 pm

Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on the nation of Samonight.
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Re: Kalesten - Rheneld

Post by J. M. Vincent » Fri May 04, 2012 2:32 pm

Rheneld is complete.
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Discussion for Nation of Lerust

Post by J. M. Vincent » Fri May 04, 2012 2:33 pm

Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on the nation of Lerust.
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Re: Kalesten - Kosony

Post by J. M. Vincent » Fri May 04, 2012 2:35 pm

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Re: Kalesten - Kalestine Empire

Post by J. M. Vincent » Fri May 04, 2012 2:36 pm

Updated. Input plzkthnx.

Bedtiems nao.
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Discussion for Nation of Isbany

Post by J. M. Vincent » Fri May 04, 2012 2:38 pm

Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on the nation of Isbany.
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Re: Kalesten - Emkal

Post by Rothene » Fri May 04, 2012 2:39 pm

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Discussion for Nation of Chawoven

Post by J. M. Vincent » Fri May 04, 2012 2:40 pm

Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on the nation of Chawoven.
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Re: Kalesten - Belvon

Post by J. M. Vincent » Fri May 04, 2012 2:41 pm

Belvon is complete!
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Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Post by J. M. Vincent » Fri May 04, 2012 2:42 pm

I was just thinking, the Japanese inspired names that we've used really don't fit with any other words used in this country, so we should go with a different naming style. I'll use Japanese inspired names for another place on Thiskel.
World of Aserra

Kalesten - Serdenaugh

Post by World of Aserra » Fri May 04, 2012 2:45 pm

Pronunciation: SER-deh-NAH
  • Gites (Capital)
serdenaugh.PNG (471.67KiB)Viewed 13054 times
Serdenaugh is one of the smaller nations of Kalesten, sitting at the western most point of the northern half of the continent on the coast. Through the heart of Serdenaugh flows the Eora river, which is sourced to the southeast in the Perdraser mountain range and weaves its way from the border of Agenom, through Belvon, and into Serdenaugh where it empties into the Riath Sea, which is little more than a broad strait between Kalesten and Thiskel. The capital city and port of Serdenaugh, Gites, sits on the mouth of the river where it meets the ocean.

Most of Serdenaugh’s land is comprised of hills, pastures, and coastal grasslands. The ground in the east of Serdenaugh is the best for farming, but it gets progressively harder to grow on as one goes further west toward the ocean where it becomes sandier. The majority of the pastureland for animals and fields for crops lay in the far east of the nation, and just outside the official borders of Serdenaugh on unclaimed land.

Serdenaugh has no neighbors that directly border them. Their closest neighbor is the nation of Belvon, which lays to the northeast, and at its closest is about forty miles between the official borders of both nations. Surrounding Serdenaugh is an abundance of open prairie that none of the neighboring nations bother to claim. This open land is scattered with small, mostly independent farming communities and trading posts run by humans, and Kiar villages.

Serdenaugh barely has a government to speak of. Once, the nation was like many others in Kalesten, once a part of the union six hundred years ago. It was ruled by the typical patriarchy; a single king’s rule, succeeded by his eldest living son, with a myriad of rules regarding who can and cannot inherit the throne. There was a system of nobility and knighthood, along with a standing army, but over the generations, Serdenaugh’s royal family grew complacent and spoiled. With little conflict with the neighboring nations, they had no wars to rally their people, no glory to live for, and only an impressive treasury of wealth thanks to their position as the main port of trade for Kalesten. So, the royals became decadent and gluttonous.

Though piracy was considered illegal, one known pirate, Captain Ranz Algale, had charmed his way into Serdenaugh’s court and excited the imagination of the young king Baelian VI. The king was enchanted by the pirate’s charisma and tales, and there were rumors of the pair being bedfellows as well. It was quite the gossip of court for some time, until Baelian’s rule of law against piracy became laxer and laxer and pirates began to weasel their way into Serdenaugh’s high society with wealth and the good word of Algale.

Eventually, it would lead to the fall of Serdenaugh’s ancient royal line. Baelian, who had not produced an heir with his much neglected young bride, came to learn she was pregnant, but not with his child. She had been charmed by Algale as well, and now carried his child. In his rage, Baelian turned against Algale and tried to order his execution, but Algale in turn murdered the king, and with his men infiltrating the court of Gites, successfully usurped the throne.

Under the rule of the Pirate King Ranz Algale, the nobility and knighthood were practically wiped out, either murdered or forced into servitude. The women of high classes were, depending on age, either killed, enslaved as laborers and maids, or taken as prizes by the pirates, brigands, and thugs who stripped them of their power and took the place of their husbands and fathers. The nation’s constitution was disposed of, and Algale’s word became the only law. In time, Serdenaugh became a place of respite for pirates, thieves, brigands, mercenaries, and all other sorts of unlawful folk.

Algale stood as head of the state for twenty years, until his son, Peris Algale, the offspring of Baelian’s queen, decided that he would take the throne for himself and murdered his aging father to take his place. Peris’s rule did not last long, as soon it was realized that if someone didn’t like the ruling of their king and thought they could do better, they could take the throne for themselves. It has become tradition over the years for succession to be violent; whoever kills the king takes the throne for himself, or for whomever he serves. Very rarely does a king rule longer than a couple years. Ever since the change in power, Ranz Algale has been the longest living king.

Though many kings surround themselves with bodyguards, and are often powerful combatants on their own, anyone with a larger entourage, or who can afford a good assassin, can easily take the throne by force.

Right of blood carries little value now in Serdenaugh, though many descendants of the former royal family that still live (often involved in piracy or some criminal organization themselves, now), descendants of Algale (as his son with the queen was only one of many with any number of women), or surviving offspring of any other king, often feel as if they have some right to take their (fore)father's place. There are many cases of these men who build up a significant force and take the throne for themselves for a time, until someone stronger comes along to steal it out from under them.

Serdenaugh has no standing military, only a collection of any pirates, thugs, or mercenaries who serve the current king, or who can be bought for their service to the crown.

Serdenaugh’s greatest resource and source of income is its port. The port of Gites is still the single most important port for trade from Thiskel. However, as piracy becomes an even greater concern, the ports of Belvon, Emkal, and Rheneld, as well as a port set up by Agenomian merchants outside of the nation’s borders on the west coast of the Kalesten Isthmus, have gained more and more custom from Thiskelian merchant ships.

Serdenaugh does have some prime farm land to the east, which is maintained by farmers who have learned to be self-sufficient from the government while selling their produce within the country. However, many farmers face a number of issues in an honest living, including over taxation, and thug factions laying claim to all their produce for themselves. Many farmers have joined unions that hire their own mercenaries for protection, or they strike deals with factions who want their goods so that they get paid well, and are well protected in exchange for food.

Fishing is also a strong local resource, and where one cannot farm easily on the coast, one can fish! Many fisherman run the risk of being conscripted into pirate crews if they stray too far from shore, however. As fish do not keep long it is also a completely internal revenue for Serdenaugh.

There are limited mining resources in Serdenaugh, though there is an abundance of limestone which is used for local construction on the coast.

Serdenaugh is one of the most open places to worship in Kalesten, and there is no official religious influence on state. The dominant religion, however, is the following of Casril, the God of Luck, favored by rogues and merchants alike. This is merely by happenstance, however, and one can say that gold is the true god of Serdenaugh; Casril is only a representation of this to many people.

While the greatest temple in Gites belongs to Casril, there is a temple or shrine to nearly every third generation god to be found in Gites. The seasonal goddesses have a modest temple in the city, and another in the eastern countryside for farmers to pray to. Erada has small temples that provide marriages and matchmaking services, though they have little patronage. Acoassa has some followers, and there is an old temple to her that lies in disrepair in the city, but most followers of Acoassa have become quite extreme in response to the immorality and general lawlessness ( though the term “lawlessness” in a nation in near anarchy is laughable) of the people of Serdenaugh today. There are even temples and cabals dedicated to the dark gods within Gites, though they often don’t worship openly. It’s quite well known that the southwest quarter of the city is home to some of the darkest and foulest sorts of people, many of whom are followers of darkness.

With this mix of religions in the city, there is often conflict arising, but rarely does anyone aligned with the government step in to deal with it unless it directly affects them. Generally, any religious disputes or feuds are left to their own devices and people know better than to stick their nose in business that doesn’t apply to them. Most commonly, its either worshipers of Darkness snatching up sacrifice victims, or over-zealous Acoassans who are trying to purify the immoral, and to those not involved, it all seems rather commonplace in the city.

Population & People
The native population of Serdenaugh was a rather moderate culture, not especially militant, with limited rights for women, and typical morals for the followers of light. Typically, they were rather fair skinned, often brown, red, or black haired with an assortment of normal human eye colors. However, with the change in government, Serdenaugh’s native culture is quickly disappearing, and is nearly extinct in the city. The influx of foreign pirates, thieves, scoundrels, brigands, and other assorted riffraff has transformed the heart of Serdenaugh’s population into a mix of races and colors.

Nearly every race can be found in Gites, either travelers passing through or looking for something taboo that they cannot obtain elsewhere, or living as outcasts from their own people. There is even a small population of Danaij and Danaij’vai in the southwest quarter, mostly made up of travelers, or social outcasts from the Forsaken Land whose only place of solace could be found in this city.

Due to the high amount of racial mingling in the city, there are a number of interracial individuals, namely “half-elves”. Aside from those born in the city, a lot of interracials who are outcast among one or both parents’ native peoples find Serdenaugh—especially Gites—to be a place where no one really cares what they’re a mix of, only caring so long as they can pull their own weight.

No one has bothered to take a census in Serdenaugh since the fall of the old monarchy, so the exact population of the nation is relatively unknown. It could be estimated between 50,000 and 100,000 residents, however.

When it comes to morals and ethics, they are entirely relative to the individual in question. Laws, when a king bothers to attempt to outlaw something, are rarely enforced, or at least not well-enforced. If you’re gay, the state doesn’t care who you marry. If you’re a woman who wants to be equal to men, the state doesn’t care, prove your worth on your own. If you want to buy and sell slaves and run a brothel, the state doesn’t care, “officials” might even give you their patronage. Serdenaugh is pretty much an anarchy, meaning you can do whatever you want, but keep in mind that others can do as they wish too and there are still consequences to be paid to whomever you offend...
World of Aserra

Kalesten - Samonight

Post by World of Aserra » Fri May 04, 2012 2:45 pm

Kingdom of Samonight
Pronounced: SAM-oh-NYT
  • Atite (Capital)
Marked in red box
samonight.PNG (471.46KiB)Viewed 13063 times
Samonight is a medium-sized nation located on the east coast of Kalesten, bordering the Green Sea on the southwest and is separated from the neutral zone between the Kaius and other nations by the Lyteus river on the northwest. The Lands of Kaius are to the north, and it is bordered on the south by the Vies river that separates it from Kosony. It is rather secluded and mostly forested, aside from what lands have been cleared for farming. Do to its position on the quieter east coast, Samonight doesn’t suffer much from barbarian raids.

Samonight rose around a thousand years ago from the combination of a barbarian clan and settlers from the south that dared to cross the Vies river. The barbarians conquered the villages and the southerners integrated themselves into the barbarian culture. After a couple generations, the two people became indistinguishable and their cultures intermingled. Soon, one charismatic leader united them under a single rule, and the borders of the new nation were established to cut them off from the Lands of Kaius.

In the brief period that Kalesten’s nations were peacefully united, Samonight was one of the most reluctant nations to the union, but for the sake of trade, they adopted languages, measurements, and other useful bits of knowledge. Eventually, the Kaian dialect that was original spoken in Samonight mostly disappeared, as most Samonightans now speak the common Kalesten tongue.

Samonight refused to change much else in their cultural traditions, however, which was one of many factors which led to the downfall of the union. Most of the nations of Kalesten had accepted that women deserved equal rights to men (at least, to varying degrees), and Samonight was the most oppressive nation against females. Eventually, they withdrew themselves from the alliance shortly before the entire union fell apart.

Like many Kalesten nations, Samonight is a monarchy, ruled by a strict father-to-son inheritance. Women hold no power in the government, and their only duty is to bear children for the king; preferably sons. They also have little of a social station, except amongst other women. The terms “queen” and “princess” are not used here. The wife of the king is also not required to be of noble blood. When a prince is old enough to marry, the most attractive young women of marriageable age are summoned from the city from all classes—from the highest stations of society to the local boarding houses—and are presented to a matchmaker hired by the king who will judge each potential bride first by beauty, and then by personality, until a suitable number of young women are picked out and presented to the prince, from which he will select his bride.

After marriage, the wife of the king is expected to bear children as soon as possible, and within the first five years, she must bear a son. If she cannot conceive, or bears only daughters within the first five years, the king (or prince) is expected divorce her and find another bride. Some kings have opted to execute wives that fail to bear them a proper heir, while others will throw their former wife onto the streets to fend for herself. If she bears a son within the first five years, the gender of following children is of little concern. Daughters of the king are only useful for marriages into the upper class and sometimes political marriages. There have been instances of kings offering their daughters in marriage to Kaius barbarian chieftains who threaten their borders in order to secure peace.

The succession of the throne goes from father to first born son—or if the first born dies, or is somehow disinherited, any succeeding younger brothers will take his place as heir. Due to the fact that the Samonight kings are prodigious in fathering children, it is rare not to have an heir, though in the case that a king dies without an heir, one of his brothers is often chosen to succeed him.

Later born princes often become nobles, or join the knighthood. A prince can oust a lesser noble and take his place, though most nobility is descended of the same bloodline.

Samonight has a strong military, mostly to deal with occasional Kaius incursions from the north. They have not had any conflict with Kosony for hundreds of years, though Kosony does not have a high opinion of Samonight culture. However, stories of the new Kalestine Empire has Samonight concerned, and though the possibility of Kalestine invasion is rather far off, Samonight is thoroughly prepared by encouraging men to enlist. Of course, Samonight’s military is all male.

Enlisting in the military is voluntary, though the government is preparing to institute a draft if they feel that Kalestine is moving too far in their direction. For now, the Samonight military accepts any young men between the ages of seventeen and twenty-two to enlist and begin training.

Samonight has a knighthood, and joining the knighthood is generally reserved for the upper class, mostly well-established knightly families, but also low nobility, and princes low in the line of succession.

Samonight is mostly self-sufficient. There is enough agriculture and fishing to support their nation, though they do not produce enough food to sell to other nations. They have some limited mining, but private smiths may often import metals from international traders and merchants. Samonight has vast tracks of forest, providing them with plenty of lumber, which they do trade with Kosony and Kalestine by ferrying it across the sea.

Samonight’s original founders were mostly barbarians who worshiped the dragon Kaius, but eventually they found faith in the Third Generation Gods. Dragon worship is practically unheard of in Samonight now, as they have become an entirely distinctive culture from the barbarians. Though followers of the Third Generation Gods, the most prominent religion in Samonight is a corrupted version of the teachings of Acoassa. This is mainly due to the fact that the temples of Erada, Essan, Saeven, and the Seasonal Goddesses all disapprove of Samonight’s customs and have refused to establish temples there. However, since temples of Acoassa are each independent and follow national laws, the Goddess of Law does have an established temple in Atite. However, with Samonight’s feminine oppression, Acoassa is represented as male in statues and images of the god. While most clerics recognize that Acoassa is really a woman, many commoners don’t know the truth of the Goddess’s gender.

While there are no official temples to other gods, there are small shrines tended by local self-ordained clerics, or personal shrines in homes. There are no representations of female gods in Samonight culture; either the goddess has been changed to a male, or she has been forgotten by the common people. The seasonal goddesses do not have a following in Samonight either. Saeven has some following with soldiers in the way of the Peacekeeper, though only enough to warrant him private shrines and one small temple in Atite with locally trained clerics. Casril has a small temple in Atite as well.

Population & People
Samonight is populated almost entirely by humans. There are very, very small populations of Ochae’nafod in the forested areas, but they are being slowly pushed out by the timber industry.

Samonight is an extremely male-dominated culture where women are considered property—and not a very desirable acquisition to parents. Sons are blessings to a family, but a daughter is unfortunate, especially to those who cannot afford to pay a dowry when they are old enough to wed. For this reason, it was a common practice amongst the lowest classes to kill female babies after birth, often in the case of a first born daughter, or a family that has been blessed with few sons.

However, this had a detrimental effect on the population. A wise king realized this and was well acquainted with the old system of infanticide. To combat the declining population of brides, he set up boarding houses for unwanted daughters where they would be raised and prepared to be proper wives. These boarding houses are supported by state taxes, but they do not pay a dowry for brides.

The system for protecting female children is far from perfect, however. Some families are too far from a boarding house, and some don’t even care to save their unwanted children. Though the opening of these houses brought about laws against female infanticide, they are not readily enforced. Most families who are confronted will claim the child was stillborn and the body is quickly disposed of.

It should be noted that not all families are so cruel. There are some fathers that find joy in daughters, or that love their children more than fulfilling cultural norms. Unfortunately, many of Samonight’s peasantry are more concerned with making ends meet than saving up for dowry.

Families in the upper class who can afford dowries raise their daughters to be good, subservient wives and marry them off to young men of high stature. However, those that are greedy, or have an over abundance of female offspring do make use of the boarding houses (often requiring a financial donation depending on their status).

The houses are run by men, but maintained by women. In fact, rarely does a man set foot within their walls to protect the chastity of the brides-to-be, and there are many laws regarding the conduct of men within the boarding houses.

The women who maintain the boarding houses are often mature women who have passed their childbearing prime, widowed, or considered to be unmarriable, and must meet standards of personality and lawfulness before being employed by the state. These women serve as matchmakers, and are often quite matriarchal.

In the boarding houses, girls are prepared for marriage alone, and rarely have the chance to prepare for other goals. Girls are taught to cook, clean, sew, and other skills useful to wives and mothers. They are not allowed to learn how to read and write, and are afforded only a very basic education to help in their household duties.

They are also taught how to dress, wear make-up, and arrange their hair to be as attractive as possible to potential suitors. In a place where there is no dowry incentive, all the girls have to rely on is their beauty, and unfortunately, there are some girls who are simply not chosen. Starting from the age of sixteen, the girls are paraded out before a potential husband and chosen one by one. If by the age of twenty-three woman is still in the boarding house, she can be sold into slavery.

Often, these women are sold to become servants in houses or on farms, but a few are lucky enough to become apprenticed in the few professions available to women; they could be chosen by a midwife or matchmaker for the higher classes and learn a trade. Some of the unmarriable girls are also trained to maintain the boarding house and afforded a higher education to read and write so that they can one day take the place of the household mistresses. Very rarely are the unmarriables sold to brothels, as brothels prefer attractive women.

Prostitution in Samonight is legal, but prostitutes are considered some of the lowest members of society. It is ideal for a woman to be married and bear children, only reserving herself for one man, but prostitutes are used and abused by any man who can afford her services. Due to the disproportionate numbers of men to women, brothels are almost necessary to appease men. Brothels are filled with women from a variety of backgrounds. Some prostitutes are adulteresses, who were divorced from their husbands and forced into prostitution by the courts as punishment for their crime. Divorce for other reasons may also land a woman into prostitution, as it is nigh on impossible to remarry. Widows, however, are respected, and supported by the state.

Other women were sold by their own fathers to make money, and many others are taken from boarding houses under the guise of marriage. Though considered illegal, brothels in the more remote regions of Samonight will send out a man to chose an attractive young woman from a boarding house, arrange marriage, only to bring her back the the brothel to forced into the most degrading servitude. This tactic must be used sparingly to avoid suspicion. Very rarely do brothels acquire workers through buying the cast off girls sold into slavery when unable to be married, it does happen when they are desperate to fill their ranks, and only in the most remote places.

There are mixed views on homosexuality in Samonight. Between two men, it is publicly considered amoral, but not illegal, and it is not too uncommon for two men to seek pleasure in each other in private. It occurs quite often, but is rarely spoken of. For women, on the other hand, it is strictly forbidden for women to have relations with one another, and it is an offense that can lead to women being forced into prostitution in legal brothels.

However, Samonight is greatly concerned with proper families, and so marriage between two men is not allowed, and male lovers cohabiting and shunning marriage to women, thus not reproducing, is socially reprehensible. Though not illegal, any gay couples that decide to be open and live together suffer ostracism and being openly shunned. Thus, many gay men will marry a woman, bear at least one child with her, while secretly pursuing relationships with other men.
World of Aserra

Kalesten - Rheneld

Post by World of Aserra » Fri May 04, 2012 2:46 pm

Pronunciation: R'HEN-eld
  • Emerom (Capital)
  • Bysyle
Rheneld marked in red box.
rheneld.PNG (471.48KiB)Viewed 13082 times
Rheneld is on the sloping northern coastline of Kalesten, in about the center of the continent. The nation borders the westernmost edge of the neutral zone between the Lands of Kaius and the rest of Kalesten, and a portion of its eastern and southern borders are defined by the northern fork of the Polnal river. The entire river does not make a complete natural border for Rheneld, though many mapmakers and military men would prefer it that way. Unfortunately, the Kaius barbarians raid just beyond its northwestern banks, pushing back the Rheneld border by around forty miles from the river bank for several hundred miles to the south. The river does make a natural border to the southeast though, between Rheneld and Isbany. Rheneld’s southwestern border is shared with Chawoven. To the west, Rheneld’s borders are hemmed by the foothills of the Gayntos mountain range. In the far northwest is a small border with Emkal, marked by a short river.

Rheneld is made up of pasturelands to the south and east, and sparse forests that grow thicker toward the mountains in the west. It is a moist region, moderately fertile, with heavy rainfall.

Rheneld has a standard monarchy, a royal family which has persisted for many generations. In Rheneld’s royal laws, the first born child, be they competent, is the heir apparent, regardless of gender. If, for some reason, the heir apparent cannot fulfill their duties (be it due to their death or other circumstances) the second born child inherits the right, and so on. If there are no younger siblings, the right falls to an aunt or uncle; children of the previous generation’s monarch.

Rheneldian royal marriages are traditionally made between foreign princes/ses and high ranking nobility to keep political ties with their allies (Chawoven and Isbany, chiefly, sometimes Agenom and Kosony) tight. However, these matches are not made wantonly, there is great consideration for the happiness of the spouses to be, and they will not be married if they do not approve of each other, or if matchmakers advise against the match. Marriages are often made in their late teens to early twenties, and sometimes heir-apparents are betrothed far sooner. Spouses have limited leadership rights, and usually their suggestions and proclamations must be approved by the monarch. They can lead in the absence of the monarch, but in the case of the death of the monarch, their spouse cannot take their place. They can act as a regent until their oldest child, or another heir is chosen, however.

Beneath the monarch, Rheneld is broken up into six duchies, each ruled by a duke or duchess who is a descendant of the royal line. The Duke families have held their lands for nearly the entire existence of their duchy. Though they share common fore-bearers, they have their own unique family names. Marriage habits of the dukes and duchesses are less defined than the royal line, but they often believe that they must uphold their noble status, and many daughters and nieces of dukes have been married off to their distant cousins. However, some are known to marry knights, prestigious soldiers, and sometimes, individuals in the upper class, often sons and daughters of prosperous merchants and businessmen.

Rheneld, for all its bohemian attitudes and peaceful intentions, must maintain a standing military, especially with the threat of Kalestine to the southeast. Though, Rheneld has always had a military to defend the northeastern borders from barbarian incursion. Before the fall of Delrod and Cheuz, Rheneld’s military was volunteer only, and garnered only a small number of recruits. In recent years, the military has stepped up recruitment, and is now offering incentives to youths who chose to join up. A draft is in consideration if Kalestine makes a move against Isbany or any of Rheneld’s neighbors. For the moment, many young men and women have answered the call of duty, especially from Rheneld’s rural areas. Women and men alike are allowed to serve in Rheneld’s military, though like many nations with equal genders, men outnumber women in service.

Rheneld also has a system of knighthood, in which both men and women can serve, and like other nations with knights, it is often a family tradition.

Rheneld has plenty of open land for food, situated mostly in the central to southeast regions. They also have lumber and mining prospects. Most of Rheneld’s mining is done by their Brech’mar neighbors, however, with whom the humans trade food for ore and gemstones. Their mining is almost entirely dependent on the Brech’mar, due to a centuries old treaty that the Brech’mar championed due to the poor mining practices of the Rheneldians. The Brech’mar agreed to mine what Rheneld needed in exchange for livestock, grain, and other goods that the Rheneldians can afford. Lumber has been a highly debatable practice for Rheneld, as they suffered opposition from the Dra’nafod and Ochae’nafod clans, but generations past wore down the Nafod resolve to protect their land and drove them deeper int the mountains, leaving the lowland lumber available for harvesting.

Rheneld is also a center of arts and knowledge in Kalesten. Sculptors, smiths, painters, inventors, philosophers, writers, and many other artists come to Emerom and Bysyle to focus on their craft. Artists can make a meager profit in selling their works to aesthetically minded Rheneldians who are always looking for a new painting to hang on their wall, or a new book to put on their shelves.

There is also a large number of Enchanters living in Rheneld, due to the encouragement for crafting in the nation. Rheneld’s smithies are highly sought after due to rumors of magical weapons and armor, among other items, being created in the nation.

Essan and the muses have the highest following in Rheneld, and the home temple of Essan is in Emerom. Adjacent to the main temple of Essan are smaller temples dedicated to each muse, followed by temples to the other traditional Adunian gods such as the seasonal goddesses, Acoassa, Saeven, Erada, and Casril. Aspiring priests of Essan travel across Kalesten to train at the temple. The Temple of Knowledge has a massive library with a broad collection of works, from myths and legends, modern fiction, history, and magic. The temple has also made education available for most of Rheneld’s youth, though mostly only from the cities and heart of the nation. Those in more remote areas do not have the opportunity to go to school unless they are sent to live with family near a school, or are boarded at one of the schools (which requires a rather hefty tuition to pay for room and board).

People & Culture
Rheneld is populated with humans and a rather generous mixing of Brech’mar. Dra’nafod and Ochae’nafod live on the outskirts of society, mostly in the mountains and foothills of the Gayntos range. There is a Zaedyn village in the mountains overlooking Rheneld. The human population is generally welcoming to those of other races, especially in urban areas, and may be openly curious about traits of other races, sometimes to the point of being rude.

The people in Rheneld are predominantly fair in coloration with a mix of light and dark colored hair and eyes. They are a rather pleasant culture and quite progressive. Women are allowed equal rights, homosexuality isn’t stigmatized, and Rheneldians have a rather free, artistic spirit about them. Creative expression is highly encouraged, and creative works are highly desired by Rheneld’s consumers. It should be noted that this attitude is more prevalent in the cities and larger villages, while the rural regions of Rheneld care more about having a roof over their heads and a meal on the plates every day.
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