Continent of Kalesten
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:21 pm
Kalesten is west of the largest continent of Adun while the great ocean of Tonult to the east. The large northern portion of the continent is heavily inhabited by humans and broken up into their nations.
Lands of Kaius
The northern most portion of Kalesten consists of coniferous forests and steppes, and is claimed by the Kaius barbarian tribes. The northern peninsula peaks through the arctic circle. The largest mountain range on Kalesten is the Kaius range, bordering the northernmost shore of the continent. These mountains are inhabited by the Aeul’Idayn and heartier tribes of Zaedyn who can tolerate the cold temperatures. The Brech’mar live underground, within the mountains. Several wind dragons inhabit the Kaius range, including the drake Kaius himself, whom the barbarians regard as their god. The east and west coasts of the Kaius lands is forested and inhabited by Ochae’Nafod, specifically the Ursus, Cervus, Lupus, and Odoco clans.
A number of rivers and streams run down from the mountain source and into the Green Sea several hundred miles south, most notably the Tonnum, Quathery, and Velemray rivers which run together into a much wider river, the Lyteus, which actually flows to the Green Sea. The only true city of the Kaius barbarians, Oni’kel, is located in between the the Quathery and Velemray rivers, some fifty miles before they join into the Lyteus.
To the east of the Lyteus, there is a wide band of unclaimed land, left untouched because of the threat of Kaius raiders. To the west of the river, sandwiched between the Lyteus and the coast, is the nation of Samonight, which was able to seize this lands because they aren’t as heavily raided as the west side of the river.
Green Sea
This large sea is centered in the western region of Kalesten, and is fed freshwater by the Lyteus river in the north, empties into the ocean by the Siol and Vies rivers. Bordering the sea is the Kalestine Empire on the west bank, Samonight on the northeast, and Kosony on the south and southeast. The region is made up of mostly deciduous forests to the west, prairie to the east, and swamps and deciduous forests to the south.
Kosony claims most of the thick isthmus that leads to the sub-continent of Ertia, but its border ends in a region of forest claimed by the Fayl’Idayn and Nafod. Humans refer to the forest as the Cursed Land of Fae, but the Fayl’Idayn refer to it as the Ardir. The forest is nearly impossible to cross, especially by large groups, as its inhabitants guard it fiercely. At the end of the isthmus is a large plateau, simply called the Ertian Plateau. Even if one made their way through the Ardir, they would have to scale down the sheer face of the plateau, or search for miles to find a narrow path down the cliff face.
At the foot of the Ertian plateau lies a broad, mostly flat continent of grassland and desert. The northeastern region, just below the plateau, is rainforest. Several rivers flow down from sources in the forest and the plateau, cutting lush lines across the otherwise dry landscape. The greater river that flows toward the south-east is the Hawar and the large river to the east is the Ghaild. Only three nations make up Ertia; the nation of Ertia on the eastern seaboard, which once claimed all of the sub-continent, Samdra, a small country in the southwest, and Shyon, which controls the rest. There are few other races in Ertia beyond the humans.
Western Kalesten
The rest of the northern portion of the Kalesten continent points southwest. Kalestine and the central region between the sea and Polnal river is mostly open prairie and pasture lands. In the center of this region is two mountain ranges to the north and south, the Gayntos and Perdrasers, respectively, with a wide valley inbetween referred to as the “heartland”. This heartland is occupied by the nations of Chawoven, Rheneld, Isbany and Kalestine, and though not in the valley. The more temperate lands that stretch to the east to the Green Sea are still considered the heartlands.
The Chawoven valley has two main rivers, and many smaller streams and creeks that flow down from the mountain slopes. The deepest part of the valley is nearer to the eastern side of the ranges, where the river Nalenth flows down from the Gayntos, while the Perkage flows from the Perdrasers, meeting to form the Lolal Lake, on which the city of Lolal resides on the northern bank. This river feeds the Polnal, which cuts northeast to empty into the ocean. Between the northern slopes of the Gayntos and the sea, sits the sorceric nation of Emkal, a location which affords the small nation seclusion.
The southern range, the Perdraser, is the southern border for Chawoven on the north side, and the southern range drops down to a broad, flat land that goes down to the Green Sea. The region to the south of the Perdraser Range is shared by Agenom and formerly the nation of Cheuz, which has been since conquered by the Kalestine Empire.
From the far western edge of the Perdraser Ranger flows the river Eora, which after seventy miles from its mountain source, splits into two. The southern Eora arcs down to the thin isthmus of Central Kalesten, providing a natural border for Agenom before splitting once more and emptying into the sea on either side of the Central Kalesten Isthmus.
The northern Eora flows almost directly westward, cutting through the nation of Belvon and into the small nation of Serdenaugh where it empties into the sea.
Central Kalesten Isthmus
This long, narrow stretch of land is mostly sub-tropical and tropical grassland and beaches, which eventually grow into forest to the south. There are a few small streams, but the only notable rivers are the aforementioned southern Eora and its two short offshoots in the north. There are no nations in this land, but there are scattered semi-nomadic human, Ochae’nafod, and Oir’Idayn tribes.
Southern Kalesten
At the end of the isthmus is a sub-continent only slightly smaller than the northern portion of the continent. Nearly the entire region is covered in rainforest. The thick southwestern peninsula has a mountain range along its southern coast. The direct south of the sub-continent is a small peninsular delta which flows into the southern ocean. The south east of the sub-continent is a longer, thinner, curving peninsula with two small mountain ranges and is covered partially in rainforest, grassland, and swampland.
There are no human nations here, only the remnants of an ancient civilization. The entire continent is populated by Ur’Idayn tribes, which slaughtered and bred out the humans. The forest is also inhabited by mostly innocuous tribes of the Samiss, Ochae’nafod, Dra’nafod, and a couple Zaedyn villages in the mountains. Most humans (who are aware of this land) call it the “Wildlands”.
Lands of Kaius
The northern most portion of Kalesten consists of coniferous forests and steppes, and is claimed by the Kaius barbarian tribes. The northern peninsula peaks through the arctic circle. The largest mountain range on Kalesten is the Kaius range, bordering the northernmost shore of the continent. These mountains are inhabited by the Aeul’Idayn and heartier tribes of Zaedyn who can tolerate the cold temperatures. The Brech’mar live underground, within the mountains. Several wind dragons inhabit the Kaius range, including the drake Kaius himself, whom the barbarians regard as their god. The east and west coasts of the Kaius lands is forested and inhabited by Ochae’Nafod, specifically the Ursus, Cervus, Lupus, and Odoco clans.
A number of rivers and streams run down from the mountain source and into the Green Sea several hundred miles south, most notably the Tonnum, Quathery, and Velemray rivers which run together into a much wider river, the Lyteus, which actually flows to the Green Sea. The only true city of the Kaius barbarians, Oni’kel, is located in between the the Quathery and Velemray rivers, some fifty miles before they join into the Lyteus.
To the east of the Lyteus, there is a wide band of unclaimed land, left untouched because of the threat of Kaius raiders. To the west of the river, sandwiched between the Lyteus and the coast, is the nation of Samonight, which was able to seize this lands because they aren’t as heavily raided as the west side of the river.
Green Sea
This large sea is centered in the western region of Kalesten, and is fed freshwater by the Lyteus river in the north, empties into the ocean by the Siol and Vies rivers. Bordering the sea is the Kalestine Empire on the west bank, Samonight on the northeast, and Kosony on the south and southeast. The region is made up of mostly deciduous forests to the west, prairie to the east, and swamps and deciduous forests to the south.
Kosony claims most of the thick isthmus that leads to the sub-continent of Ertia, but its border ends in a region of forest claimed by the Fayl’Idayn and Nafod. Humans refer to the forest as the Cursed Land of Fae, but the Fayl’Idayn refer to it as the Ardir. The forest is nearly impossible to cross, especially by large groups, as its inhabitants guard it fiercely. At the end of the isthmus is a large plateau, simply called the Ertian Plateau. Even if one made their way through the Ardir, they would have to scale down the sheer face of the plateau, or search for miles to find a narrow path down the cliff face.
At the foot of the Ertian plateau lies a broad, mostly flat continent of grassland and desert. The northeastern region, just below the plateau, is rainforest. Several rivers flow down from sources in the forest and the plateau, cutting lush lines across the otherwise dry landscape. The greater river that flows toward the south-east is the Hawar and the large river to the east is the Ghaild. Only three nations make up Ertia; the nation of Ertia on the eastern seaboard, which once claimed all of the sub-continent, Samdra, a small country in the southwest, and Shyon, which controls the rest. There are few other races in Ertia beyond the humans.
Western Kalesten
The rest of the northern portion of the Kalesten continent points southwest. Kalestine and the central region between the sea and Polnal river is mostly open prairie and pasture lands. In the center of this region is two mountain ranges to the north and south, the Gayntos and Perdrasers, respectively, with a wide valley inbetween referred to as the “heartland”. This heartland is occupied by the nations of Chawoven, Rheneld, Isbany and Kalestine, and though not in the valley. The more temperate lands that stretch to the east to the Green Sea are still considered the heartlands.
The Chawoven valley has two main rivers, and many smaller streams and creeks that flow down from the mountain slopes. The deepest part of the valley is nearer to the eastern side of the ranges, where the river Nalenth flows down from the Gayntos, while the Perkage flows from the Perdrasers, meeting to form the Lolal Lake, on which the city of Lolal resides on the northern bank. This river feeds the Polnal, which cuts northeast to empty into the ocean. Between the northern slopes of the Gayntos and the sea, sits the sorceric nation of Emkal, a location which affords the small nation seclusion.
The southern range, the Perdraser, is the southern border for Chawoven on the north side, and the southern range drops down to a broad, flat land that goes down to the Green Sea. The region to the south of the Perdraser Range is shared by Agenom and formerly the nation of Cheuz, which has been since conquered by the Kalestine Empire.
From the far western edge of the Perdraser Ranger flows the river Eora, which after seventy miles from its mountain source, splits into two. The southern Eora arcs down to the thin isthmus of Central Kalesten, providing a natural border for Agenom before splitting once more and emptying into the sea on either side of the Central Kalesten Isthmus.
The northern Eora flows almost directly westward, cutting through the nation of Belvon and into the small nation of Serdenaugh where it empties into the sea.
Central Kalesten Isthmus
This long, narrow stretch of land is mostly sub-tropical and tropical grassland and beaches, which eventually grow into forest to the south. There are a few small streams, but the only notable rivers are the aforementioned southern Eora and its two short offshoots in the north. There are no nations in this land, but there are scattered semi-nomadic human, Ochae’nafod, and Oir’Idayn tribes.
Southern Kalesten
At the end of the isthmus is a sub-continent only slightly smaller than the northern portion of the continent. Nearly the entire region is covered in rainforest. The thick southwestern peninsula has a mountain range along its southern coast. The direct south of the sub-continent is a small peninsular delta which flows into the southern ocean. The south east of the sub-continent is a longer, thinner, curving peninsula with two small mountain ranges and is covered partially in rainforest, grassland, and swampland.
There are no human nations here, only the remnants of an ancient civilization. The entire continent is populated by Ur’Idayn tribes, which slaughtered and bred out the humans. The forest is also inhabited by mostly innocuous tribes of the Samiss, Ochae’nafod, Dra’nafod, and a couple Zaedyn villages in the mountains. Most humans (who are aware of this land) call it the “Wildlands”.