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Continent of Kalesten

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:21 pm
by World of Aserra
Kalesten is west of the largest continent of Adun while the great ocean of Tonult to the east. The large northern portion of the continent is heavily inhabited by humans and broken up into their nations.

Lands of Kaius
The northern most portion of Kalesten consists of coniferous forests and steppes, and is claimed by the Kaius barbarian tribes. The northern peninsula peaks through the arctic circle. The largest mountain range on Kalesten is the Kaius range, bordering the northernmost shore of the continent. These mountains are inhabited by the Aeul’Idayn and heartier tribes of Zaedyn who can tolerate the cold temperatures. The Brech’mar live underground, within the mountains. Several wind dragons inhabit the Kaius range, including the drake Kaius himself, whom the barbarians regard as their god. The east and west coasts of the Kaius lands is forested and inhabited by Ochae’Nafod, specifically the Ursus, Cervus, Lupus, and Odoco clans.

A number of rivers and streams run down from the mountain source and into the Green Sea several hundred miles south, most notably the Tonnum, Quathery, and Velemray rivers which run together into a much wider river, the Lyteus, which actually flows to the Green Sea. The only true city of the Kaius barbarians, Oni’kel, is located in between the the Quathery and Velemray rivers, some fifty miles before they join into the Lyteus.

To the east of the Lyteus, there is a wide band of unclaimed land, left untouched because of the threat of Kaius raiders. To the west of the river, sandwiched between the Lyteus and the coast, is the nation of Samonight, which was able to seize this lands because they aren’t as heavily raided as the west side of the river.

Green Sea
This large sea is centered in the western region of Kalesten, and is fed freshwater by the Lyteus river in the north, empties into the ocean by the Siol and Vies rivers. Bordering the sea is the Kalestine Empire on the west bank, Samonight on the northeast, and Kosony on the south and southeast. The region is made up of mostly deciduous forests to the west, prairie to the east, and swamps and deciduous forests to the south.

Kosony claims most of the thick isthmus that leads to the sub-continent of Ertia, but its border ends in a region of forest claimed by the Fayl’Idayn and Nafod. Humans refer to the forest as the Cursed Land of Fae, but the Fayl’Idayn refer to it as the Ardir. The forest is nearly impossible to cross, especially by large groups, as its inhabitants guard it fiercely. At the end of the isthmus is a large plateau, simply called the Ertian Plateau. Even if one made their way through the Ardir, they would have to scale down the sheer face of the plateau, or search for miles to find a narrow path down the cliff face.

At the foot of the Ertian plateau lies a broad, mostly flat continent of grassland and desert. The northeastern region, just below the plateau, is rainforest. Several rivers flow down from sources in the forest and the plateau, cutting lush lines across the otherwise dry landscape. The greater river that flows toward the south-east is the Hawar and the large river to the east is the Ghaild. Only three nations make up Ertia; the nation of Ertia on the eastern seaboard, which once claimed all of the sub-continent, Samdra, a small country in the southwest, and Shyon, which controls the rest. There are few other races in Ertia beyond the humans.

Western Kalesten
The rest of the northern portion of the Kalesten continent points southwest. Kalestine and the central region between the sea and Polnal river is mostly open prairie and pasture lands. In the center of this region is two mountain ranges to the north and south, the Gayntos and Perdrasers, respectively, with a wide valley inbetween referred to as the “heartland”. This heartland is occupied by the nations of Chawoven, Rheneld, Isbany and Kalestine, and though not in the valley. The more temperate lands that stretch to the east to the Green Sea are still considered the heartlands.

The Chawoven valley has two main rivers, and many smaller streams and creeks that flow down from the mountain slopes. The deepest part of the valley is nearer to the eastern side of the ranges, where the river Nalenth flows down from the Gayntos, while the Perkage flows from the Perdrasers, meeting to form the Lolal Lake, on which the city of Lolal resides on the northern bank. This river feeds the Polnal, which cuts northeast to empty into the ocean. Between the northern slopes of the Gayntos and the sea, sits the sorceric nation of Emkal, a location which affords the small nation seclusion.

The southern range, the Perdraser, is the southern border for Chawoven on the north side, and the southern range drops down to a broad, flat land that goes down to the Green Sea. The region to the south of the Perdraser Range is shared by Agenom and formerly the nation of Cheuz, which has been since conquered by the Kalestine Empire.

From the far western edge of the Perdraser Ranger flows the river Eora, which after seventy miles from its mountain source, splits into two. The southern Eora arcs down to the thin isthmus of Central Kalesten, providing a natural border for Agenom before splitting once more and emptying into the sea on either side of the Central Kalesten Isthmus.

The northern Eora flows almost directly westward, cutting through the nation of Belvon and into the small nation of Serdenaugh where it empties into the sea.

Central Kalesten Isthmus
This long, narrow stretch of land is mostly sub-tropical and tropical grassland and beaches, which eventually grow into forest to the south. There are a few small streams, but the only notable rivers are the aforementioned southern Eora and its two short offshoots in the north. There are no nations in this land, but there are scattered semi-nomadic human, Ochae’nafod, and Oir’Idayn tribes.

Southern Kalesten
At the end of the isthmus is a sub-continent only slightly smaller than the northern portion of the continent. Nearly the entire region is covered in rainforest. The thick southwestern peninsula has a mountain range along its southern coast. The direct south of the sub-continent is a small peninsular delta which flows into the southern ocean. The south east of the sub-continent is a longer, thinner, curving peninsula with two small mountain ranges and is covered partially in rainforest, grassland, and swampland.

There are no human nations here, only the remnants of an ancient civilization. The entire continent is populated by Ur’Idayn tribes, which slaughtered and bred out the humans. The forest is also inhabited by mostly innocuous tribes of the Samiss, Ochae’nafod, Dra’nafod, and a couple Zaedyn villages in the mountains. Most humans (who are aware of this land) call it the “Wildlands”.

Kalesten - Kalestine Empire

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:24 pm
by World of Aserra
Kalestine Empire
Pronunciation: kal-ES-tyn
Kalestine marked in red.
kalestine.PNG (471.12KiB)Viewed 27194 times
Kalestine is found on the central northern region of Kalesten, bordering the western shore of the Green Sea, a large inland body of salt water. It is the largest nation on Kalesten, and likely to become larger. Most of the nation consists of open prairie and pasture lands through the central and western regions, but the north bordering the Neutral Zone has coniferous forests. The southwestern borders near the Perdraser mountain range are deciduous forests. To the southeast, near the Siol river the land is marshy—which is a barrier against further advancement into Kosony.

Kalestine has four major cities and many villages. The capital of Kales was once the city of Arkin, capital of Chegar, and is the largest city. Siol to the south is a major port for trade from Ertia and Agenom. The city of Lyr is the former capital of Delrod, and the city of Yalik is the former capital of Cheuz.

Originally, the nation was known as Chegar, a moderate sized monarchy along the coast of the Kalesten Sea. It was peaceful, but with a strong military force that existed mainly for defense. Nineteen years ago, King Serden Chegar III and his queen, Jasika of Chawoven, were on a diplomatic mission to the nearby nation of Delrod, which had been acting aggressively after a famine devastated their core crop. Eager to expand their lands, they were amassing forces to claim land from neighboring nations, but the peace loving Serden III was more than willing to offer aid to Delrod. However, on their trip, their caravan was ambushed by what appeared to be Delroid soldiers; the king was found dead, but Jasika was never found and assumed dead. At the time, their infant son, Alahandro Chegar IV, was in the care of his uncle, the Prince Essat Chegar II. After this tragic loss, Essat took the throne and immediately declared war on Delrod as vengeance for his brother’s death. The smaller nation fell quickly under the united forces of Chegar and was absorbed into the nation. This marked the beginning of the Kalestine Empire. In the years to come, Essat strengthened the military and began a regime of conquer and expansion. As his dreams for an empire under his control became realized, he renamed the nation Kalestine. Essat was unwed, but with his nephew under his care, he began grooming the boy to become his successor.

The nation of Cheuz to the southwest was the next to be conquered, as well as the northwestern region of Kosony, though further expansion was halted when Essat found it to be too costly to cross the swamps beyond the Siol river. Kalestine even pressed into the Neutral Zone, though not yet far enough to upset the Kaius barbarians. Neighboring nations of Isbany, Chawoven, and Agenom are ever ready for incursion from Kalestine, but it has yet to happen. Due to the size and location of Isbany, this nation seems to be the next nation to fall, but alliances with Chawoven and Rheneld have protected it thus far.

Chegar was a nation that followed many of the same traditions of other Kalesten monarchies, and it was primarily a patriarchy. For many of generations, the Chegar family ruled their namesake nation, one son after the other. The eldest son of the family inherited the succession of the throne from his father. Daughters of the king had no claim to the throne, though they still had prominent political power. Often, daughters of the king were married to princes and highly ranked nobles of other nations, and within Chegar itself. The wife of a king holds political power as well, only second to her husband. In the case of the premature death of the king, the queen may hold the throne as a regent until her eldest son came of age.

In cases of a king’s death before fathering children, or if he has fathered only daughters, a new king will be chosen from amongst his brothers, or his father’s brothers, if any survive. In the case of Essat Chegar II, who was the younger brother of Serden Chegar II, the previous king, he assumed the throne after the death of his nephew, Serden Chegar III, who had succeeded his father. Serden III had left his young child, and as his queen was assumed dead, the regency fell to the next able prince in line for the throne, which happened to be Essat, as Serden III had no brothers. By Chegar codes, Essat may only hold the throne until Alahandro IV, Serden III’s son, comes of age. Essat seems to intend to honor this tradition, despite the radical changes he has made to the nation, and is grooming the boy to take his place.

Beneath the king was a standard tier of nobles between whom the nation is divvied up. These lower noble families are mostly descendants of the Chegar line, mixed with knights, and ambitious individuals who were honored by the royal family with land for service to the nation. However, since Chegar has become Kalestine, many nobles have found their positions in peril. Those who spoke out against Essat’s plans were stripped of rank, some only by a tier, others were ousted completely. The nobility of the nations conquered have been imprisoned, executed, or enslaved, though a few were able to cut deals with Essat to keep their status if they swore loyalty to him.

Since the taking of Delrod and Cheuz, the lands of these nations have been redistributed mostly to Chegaran nobles who are loyal to Essat. The nobles of Delrod and Cheuz who accepted the change of power have had their dominions reduced and placed under the control of higher Chegaran lords for now.

Chegar had a long history of maintaining a ready military, but mostly for defensive purposes. Traditionally, most young men were expected to spend two years in Chegar’s military, outside of wartime, and it was considered a crucial part of a young man’s life to receive the physical and mental discipline the military offered before returning home or beginning his own career. Men who refused to, or were unable to serve, had a hard time being matched with a wife or establishing themselves in careers outside of family businesses.

As Chegar became the Kalestine Empire, it became a necessity to institute mandatory military service for all able-bodied young men. At the age of seventeen, young men are sent to Kales for basic training, and after six months, they are integrated into the military for a minimum four years of service. Even nobility is not spared from this law, but many sons of the Chegaran noble houses are reluctant to soil their hands in military service, they often pay others to serve in their place (older male servants in service of their family, or slaves), or they are often relegated to officer duty, or stationed in low-conflict areas within the borders of old Chegar where there is little conflict.

The conscription laws are more closely followed for former citizens of Delrod and Cheuz. Most able-bodied men from the age of seventeen to twenty-seven are forced into military service for Kalestine, though as a reward, their immediate families (be it parents, or spouse and children) are well-compensated for the absence of their son or husband.

Women are not allowed to serve in the military, but they are allowed to become knights. While Chegar/Kalestine is rather progressive in womens’ rights, Serden Chegar I, with the insistence of his queen, barred women from serving in the military due to cases of rape and the low ratio of women to men. While many loyal Kalestinian women now wish to serve their country as the empire grows, Serden I’s rule still stands for the moment.

Knights in Chegar, like many nations, are often from established families that have served the nation for many generations, or were ensquired to a knight that took a liking to them. Both Delrod and Cheuz both had a tradition of knighthood as well, but many of their knights have been executed for refusing to serve Kalestine. Those that remained were relegated to military service, until they prove their loyalty and can be restored as knights into Kalestine’s ranks.

Kalestine’s resources lay in it’s vast stretches of land that are ideal for farming, and it’s coastlines along the Green Sea to the east, and along the gulf to the south. Kalestine produces high volumes of grain, fruits, vegetables, livestock, and fish. Chegar, as it is mostly flat land, had very little mining resources until the nation of Cheuz was conquered, leaving them with a stretch of the Perdraser range in their grasps with deposits of iron, precious metals, and gemstones.

Though many of the neighboring nations are imposing trade embargoes on Kalestine goods, the fact is that the nation is so large, that it is almost impossible to avoid for anyone seeking to trade with Kosony or Samonight, or from those nations outward.

Due to wars, Kosony has been producing massive amounts of armor and weapons, made from both locally mined and foreign imported ores. This has made blacksmithing a very lucrative career as the military commissions many private smithies across the nation.

Kalestinians are a typical human nation in their religious faith, following the typical pantheon of light-aligned gods. The seasonal goddesses have a strong following in the agricultural regions of Kalestine. In the cities, there are temples to Acoassa, Erada, and Essan, as well as smaller temples to Casril. Most notably, however, is that in recent years there is a stronger following in the Peacekeeper sect of Saeven worship. The Emperor uses the Peacekeeper’s Synagogue to support his position of expansion, creating propaganda suggesting that uniting all of Kalesten into a peaceful single nation is in the best interest of all of the continent.

Population & People
Kalestine is inhabited predominantly by humans, with very little land for even the Ochae’nafod to live in secretly. With a portion of the Perdraser range within Kalestine’s borders now, there are some Ochae’nafod and Dra’nafod clans, as well as one Brech’mar city and one Zaedyn city technically within, or near Kalestine’s borders, but the empire ignores or avoids contact with them for the most part. There is also a coastal village that was formerly a part of Cheuz where Mariel youths typically come ashore. In general, the people of Kalestine are mildly xenophobic, but the nation is not aggressive toward other races. The occasional farmer may chase out a passing pointy-ear, but Kalestine is mostly safe to visitors from other races, though people tend to give them wide berth and be reluctant in their dealings.

The people of Chegar are traditionally mostly brown or auburn haired, fair skinned to lightly tanned, with eyes mostly in the range of green, gold, hazel, and brown. They are of average height for humans. Delroidians are rather close in appearance, though there is a larger percentage of individuals with fairer hair due to their proximity to the Kaius barbarians, many of whom are quite fair as well. Cheuzans are darker (more Mediterranean), with lightly tanned, mostly olive skin, dark shades of hair color with slightly more texture to their hair than Chegarans, though their eye color falls in the same range.

Socially, Kalestine has a large agrarian society mixed with a progressive city population, while they are becoming increasingly militarist and nationalist with the proper propaganda and encouragement. Socially, Kalestine is moderately progressive. Women are allowed many equal rights to men, except for military service as noted above. However, socially, a woman’s place is considered to be at the home and hearth, and most women are housewives, and a small percentage have their own careers.

Chegaran reactions and treatment of the new additions to their society has varied. Some Delroidians and Cheuzans have integrated well into one single Kalestinian society, though many individuals who resisted the change in power have been punished severely. Slavery, per-say, didn’t exist as a major part of Chegaran society, though indentured servitude was common for the higher classes. However, slavery became rather big in the Kalestine empire as a way to deal with former Delroidians and Cheuzans who maintained their loyalty to their fallen nations and kings. Some faced execution, others were forced into slavery to Kalestinian nobles and the wealthy, while others yet chose military service and swore their loyalty to Kalestine.

Marriage is usually arranged in Kalestine, which is tradition for all the nations that make up the empire, and many other nations throughout the continent. It is an open process, and rarely forced. Matches are proposed by matchmakers, either being in private practice, or a priestess of Erada, and the potential bride or groom picks a partner out of the pool of available youths to court from afar. If the match seems good, they will go through with a proper engagement and marriage. However, men do not enter the matchmaking pool until either after their basic military training is complete, or after they complete their mandatory service. Men who refuse to serve in the military, or are not physically competent to serve, rarely find themselves a wife, or at least not a highly desirable one...

Homosexuality is something that is considered rather salacious and secret in Kalestine. Rarely do individuals openly admit it, and some live a double life, married to someone of the opposite gender while secretly seeing someone of the same gender. Occasionally, some gay men devote themselves to the military and forgo a wife and family while having clandestine affairs with men (or a single man). Others co-habitate as “confirmed bachelors”, or “spinsters”, choosing not to marry. Marriage for a homosexual couple is completely unheard of in Kalestine. These views and practices in regards to homosexuality were similar in all the nations that make up Kalestine now, though the Cheuzans regarded it with a touch more openness than Chegarans or Delroidians.

Kalesten - Neutral Zone

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:50 am
by World of Aserra
Neutral Zone

Stretching from the west bank of the Kaius river to the Polnal River on the west coast. It is bordered on the south by the Empire of Kalestine, which has made some encroachments into the zone, and the small nation of Isbany that focuses purely on defense. It is mostly open prairie.

This zone acts as a buffer from the raiding parties of the barbarian tribes of Kaius. There are some bold villages that dare exist in this region, but they don't often last more than one or two generations before they are either wiped out, or leave. The barbarians don't live here either, but make journeys into the region to hunt or raid. Kalestine forces are slowly pushing their way in, and the Emperor of Kalestine has every intention of one day conquering the barbarians.

Discussion for Nation of Emkal

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:33 pm
by J. M. Vincent
Questions or comments on the nation of Emkal are welcome here.

I would like this nation to be beautiful and peaceful, with possibly some influence from elven or nafod cultures.

Re: Kalesten - Emkal

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:55 pm
by Astrid Starwind
I was wondering if it was possible to describe what kind of culture each country has that we can identify with real life earth's culture's. Like what you described shortly for Emkal.

Re: Kalesten - Emkal

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:05 am
by J. M. Vincent
I don't intend to write up all the nations yet. I have a few ideas for some nations; Emkal, Kosony, and Kalestine. I'm going to leave some countries blank for other people to determine cultures, and I don't really want the nations to be carbon copies of specific earth cultures, but to to take a little inspiration from different cultures, combine them, add new ideas, and come up with something original.

Discussion for Nation of Kosony

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:29 pm
by Astrid Starwind
Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on the nation of Kosony.
I can imagine this country is like a mixture of ancient persian empire and italy when it was in city states. The culture wise you have described reminds me of it. I can see the mixture of these two cultures with overtones of french rococo somewhere like in the senses of their political views and how they inherit the throne. That is my piece of suggestions

Re: Kalesten - Kosony

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:53 pm
by J. M. Vincent
Haha, I never had any intentions in mind, I just took random concepts and put them together, with a little inspiration from mine and Aryen's RP with Talen and Naclia, as it is set in Kosony.

Discussion for Kalestine Empire

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:06 am
by Astrid Starwind
Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on the nation of Kalestine.
I can see this empire as like...very elegant and formal...with a touch exoticness as it has absorbed different cultures as it conquered them. But something like ancient rome and its greatest height but mixed with formalities of french culture before the revolution. In court where formalities and decorum ruled, honour and courage is well rewarded in military and men and women's roles are distinctive. But how about this, this is practised in japan doesn't happen often but they do it. If the woman's family is considered more powerful then the man's, well the man is to change the sirname to the woman's family name.

anyways...I can just see very grand and beautiful empire with a touch of exotic/magical culture.

Discussion for Nation of Agenom

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:16 am
by Astrid Starwind
Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on the nation of Agenom.
I can't really say where you will put this country down but with such exotix sounding names for the cities...welll imagine small but wealthy trade nation with east indian culture with formalities of a japanese royal court in ancient times. I can see people wearing exotically bold colours with gold or silver accents if you are well off if not with some sort of metal decorations all over. But their basic clothing will be white for high class people and azure for wealthy merchants and artisans and black for lower class like farmers and poorer merchants.

Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:41 pm
by J. M. Vincent
Sure, that could work. You can build onto this nation if you want, I had no real ideas for it. It's only been marked out on the map.

Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:18 am
by Astrid Starwind
I would love to! but correct me if my geography gets wrong or its bit too outta of question.

Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:00 pm
by J. M. Vincent
I'll do the write up for location, I have all the countries marked on a map, though I can't re-scan it to get a bigger version. >.<
Zuku Ari-Ari Kika wrote:Location
Agenom is located on the southwestern side of the northern half of the Kalesten continent, settled on the interior coast of the Kalesten Gulf. The northern borders are defined by the Perdraser mountain range, and then the southern arc of the river Eora that flows down the western end of the mountains, then arcs down into Central Kalesten where it forks. The western fork that empties into the sea marks the southernmost border of Agenom.

The eastern boarder of the nation was defined politically and only marked by outposts. The border was formerly shared with the nation of Cheuz, which has since been conquered by Kalestine.

Most of Agenom's land is flat, sloping down from the mountains, with some gentle hills across the land. It is mostly open prairie, grassland, and pastures.

North Kalesten: Notable Places Discussion

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:47 pm
by Mid-Boss
Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on Notable Places: North Kalesten.
[Re: Neutral Zone]
Hmm, it occurs to me that if Kalestine is prepping to annex the barbarians, the Imperial side of the line might actually be rather busy, with scouts feeling out the land, troops hunting for raiders, maybe even small forts going up to house watchposts and the like.

EDIT: All the activity must thrill the folks in Isbany too. :twisted:

Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 3:31 am
by Astrid Starwind
Is it possible to have artificially created forest? since it lacks one, I thought the ancestors of the current agenom can create several artificial ones.Though most of it is extending the forest already in place on the mountains if allowed.

Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:35 pm
by J. M. Vincent
Err...I'd rather have it stick with the environment I've given it.

Re: Kalesten - Kalestine Empire

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 1:36 pm
by Mid-Boss
Do you have any specific plans for this nation, Z? I'd like to take a shot at it if nothing's already in the works.

Re: Kalesten - Kalestine Empire

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:50 pm
by J. M. Vincent
Well, I have some ideas, but if you have some suggestions, I can probably work some things in. Also, the Empire itself isn't very old, probably around 20 years. I have a plot idea for the former queen to come back.

Re: Kalesten - Kalestine Empire

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:03 pm
by Mid-Boss
I knew she weren't dead! ;)

The main suggestion I'd make is that Emperor Essat isn't evil. Aggressive and expansionist sure, but Serdens' death shouldn't have been just the chance he was waiting for.

Beyond that, I have some ideas for the cities' designs and the composition of the empires' armies.

Kalesten Nations Index

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:21 am
by World of Aserra
Use this index to navigate to articles of each nation and region in the continent of Kalesten.

Continent of Kalesten
  • Serdenaugh - Located on the west coast.
    • Gites
  • Belvon - Located on the northwest coast.
    • Kinneys
    • Elmrod
  • Agenom - Located on the interior of the southwest coast.
    • Coom
    • Dashy
  • Emkal - Secluded nation on the north central coast on northern slopes of Gayntos mountains.
    • Chanili
  • Chawoven - Located in central Kalesten in valley between Gayntos and Perdraser mountains.
    • Lolal
    • Ingusto
  • Rheneld - Located on central north coast.
    • Bysyle
    • Emerom
  • Isbany - Small nation in central Kalesten.
    • Awiss
  • Kalestine Empire - Growing empire in south-central Kalesten, bordering the Green Sea.
    • Kales
    • Siol
    • Lyr
    • Yalik
  • Lands of Kaius - The barbarian lands occupying the far north.
    • Oni’kel
  • Samonight - A nation on the central east coast between the lands of Kaius and Kosony.
    • Atite
  • Kosony - Located on the east coast and occupies the isthmus between Kalesten and Ertia. The Ardir and Ertia lay to the south of its borders.
    • Ady
    • Lertur
    • Anche
Ertian Sub-Continent
  • Ertia - Located on the northwest coast.
    • Shiz
  • Samdra - Located on the southwest coast
    • Jiv
  • Shyon - Occupies the rest of the sub-continent from the east.
    • Enthqua
    • Rayese
    • Finipa
    • Mejoba
    • Kelrana

Kalesten Map

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:59 am
by J. M. Vincent
I got better scans of the maps! However, if anyone wants to trace them and redo them as something prettier and more functional, please, feel free to contact me and work with me on that. I tried, but I have troubles working with a mouse, and I'm a total noob at Photoshop and stuff.

So, anyway, here is the much needed rescan of Kalesten. It's pretty big, so you should be able to see everything.


Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 12:46 am
by Astrid Starwind
slightly edited version
Astrid Starwind wrote:this is what I have so far but tell me if something is a little out of the way from what you sorta pictured agenom would be... Work in progress

Natural Resources

Natural resources and cultivated spices are the lifeline of Agenom. Their sub tropical land provides them with spices that doesn't grow in other countries. This monopoly over spices provides them with large amount of income solely from spice trade. Also their land has natural gem stones that are rarely found but when found fetches are mighty price. These gemstones are known to be used for amplification of Mana and are prized by mana magic users all over the continent. Agenom also has large deposits of gold. The flora and fauna is sub tropical, thus providing with vibrant display of animals and plants.

They have two birds, where the feathers are highly prized yet protected by the king and the clergy of the four goddesses. One is called 'Phishina' a bird that is made of pure white weathers with long tail feathers that fans out in a fan shape and is flecked by golden yellow colour that looks like flecks of gold. It is a bird the king has decreed it is of the four seasonal goddesses and nobody was allowed to harm it. Its feathers are high in demand for fashion but only when the birds malted and feathers naturally been shed by the bird that it was allowed to be used. It is cared for by clergy at the main temple of four seasonal goddesses in Agenom if they chose to lived near the vast temple. The other bird is covered by silvery metallic feathers and is named 'Leurija'. Agenom declared it sacred when one of them saved the life of the queen 200 years ago. Since then, been declared a messenger from heavens and been cared for by clergy of four seasonal goddesses as well. It's feathers are only allowed to be collected when shed naturally by bird as a result of malting. These two birds also though sacred, their feathers fetch a mighty price for fashion or for good luck charm.

Agenom also trades in fine gold works and other various gem stones.


Agenom is relatively wealthy country with good amount of natural resources to trade. The country is ruled by a king or a queen, unlike many other countries in Kalesten. The inheritence of the throne is inherited by the oldest child of the Royal family, regardless of the gender. If a foreign prince should marry the crown princess or the queen, the prince have to prepared to be named as a consort only and have no right to take over the throne should the queen die early before the crown heir/heiress is mature enough. The rules apply should a foreign princess marry the king of Agenom. But should the consort of the King is native to Agenom, the 'consort' may rule for the crown heir until the heir's 18th b'day. The rule doesn't apply, should the ruler be a queen.
The Tier system applies in the exotic but strict society of Agenom. The top is obviously the Royal family and nobilities, the next tier is the Wealthy merchants, artisans, mages/sourcerer and clergy and the last of the tier is poor merchants,farmers and everything else.


The Dress code

The dress code of Agenom, indicates one's tier.The dress worn by every tier has basic long tunic for man and a long sleeveless dress for woman. They wear any colours over this basic tunic or dress, accented with gold or silver foiled on finest fabrics for the wealthy or decorated with what ever metallic bits the rest of the tier can find to decorate the over dress or rather a long wrap.

The basic tunic or dress is colour coded to indicate one's position. White is only to be worn by Royalties and nobles, Azure by the next tier and black for the last tier.



Religion is rather strange in Agenom, though they prey to the seasonal goddesses mainly but also worship Casril the god of luck much as the seasonal goddesses. It is considered an honour to make pilgrimage to the main temple of the seasonal goddesses in Chawoven Valley at least once in their life time. The capital city Coom, has a large complex of temples dedicated to these deities in one of the quarters of the city, often called ' the holy quarter' by common folks of the city. The royal family make it their duty to look after the temple and make sure they are in good state of repair and pray there at least once a week or more.

The birds the royal family has dedicated to deities are looked after in the much larger temple of the seasonal goddesses outside the capital city, in a small valley west of the country. It is called the 'golden temple city' as the temple is guilded beautifully by the craftsman in the land with no expenses spared.


Buildings etc

The buildings are more organic shaped then the 'advanced' nations of the north. A lot of the buildings made out of wood but if you were rich enough, you had them made with stone. The majority, which ae common people had a wooden house with roof that was made out of dried mud straws. But the homes and buildings of the rich were made out of stone and often covered with a beautiful semi transparent stone that is querried at the foot of the mountain in the west. The more turrets and towers you have more richer you are, so many care is taken to building them and often noble families have their coat of arms flying high in the breeze on top of these turrets and towers.

The shape is more akin to the organic shape of our earth's art nouveau period organic shapes but decoration wise and structure wise is more akin to the Moorish architecture in spain and india's golden age.

Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 9:53 am
by J. M. Vincent
I think it's pretty good for the most part.
Astrid Starwind wrote:Buildings etc

The buildings are more organic shaped then the 'advanced' nations of the north. A lot of the buildings made out of wood but if you were rich enough, you had them made with stone. The majority, which ae common people had a wooden house with roof that was made out of dried mud straws. But the homes and buildings of the rich were made out of stone and often covered with a beautiful semi transparent stone that is quarried at the foot of the mountain in the west. The more turrets and towers you have more richer you are, so many care is taken to building them and often noble families have their coat of arms flying high in the breeze on top of these turrets and towers.

The shape is more akin to the organic shape of our earth's art nouveau period organic shapes but decoration wise and structure wise is more akin to the Moorish architecture in spain and india's golden age.
Just one thing about the architecture. Considering it's location on the coast and the lack of forests, I think that wood wouldn't be a very economical resource, but instead, they should probably do a lot of construction with limestone. Cities would probably built out of limestone, though the rural areas may build out of mud and thatch.

Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 7:44 pm
by J. M. Vincent
Some work done today.
Zuku Ari-Ari Kika wrote:Government
Agenom is a monarchy, and succession is directly inherited by the first born, like many other nations, however, gender is not an issue. Whether male or female, the first born child is the heir apparent. In cases of the premature death of the first born, the next eldest sibling is in line for the throne.

The spouse of the sovereign has no claim upon the throne in most cases. For those who marry into the royal family from other nations, they are considered consorts and are not allowed to carry the title of king or queen. If the spouse is a native Agenomian, they are allowed the title of king or queen. The main role of the husband or wife is to sire or bear heirs to the throne, provide companionship, and political advisement for their spouse. They hold very little political power.

In the case of the death of the sovereign, their spouse does not have a claim to the throne. If their eldest child is fit to rule, they spouse must step aside for the coronation of their eldest son or daughter as the newest ruler. However, if their child is much too young to take the throne, a native Agenomian spouse may act as a regent until their child reaches the age of sixteen and can succeed the throne. If this happens to a foreign spouse, a regent will be chosen from the royal family (one of the younger siblings of the previous king or queen, or an aunt, uncle, or even cousin if there are limited options). If a king or queen dies without an heir, they will usually be replaced by a younger sibling, or the closest relative available for succession.

Beneath the king or queen is a tier of nobles much like other Kalesten nations; dukes, marquis, barons, and lords, most of whom are descended of the royal line. Often, potential suitors from the noble ranks may marry the king or queen, despite distant, or not-so-distant relations. Knights are on the lowest tier of nobility, and can be of peasant, noble, or mixed blood, though they are often of noble families, or ancient knightly families.

Like many Kalesten nations, Agenom adopted a sect of knights, alongside their military. They have had little conflict in recent years, though the recent conquering of their neighboring nation of Cheuz has put Agenom on high alert. For many generations, Agenom's military was quite small and complacent without serious conflicts, though they have recently begun openly recruiting soldiers after the fall of Cheuz.

Agenom follows a standard of gender equality and allows both men and women to serve in the military and knighthood, but very few women do. There are few women who do chose to serve as soldiers, and those that do often deal with more issues than male soldiers. There are issues of sexual misconduct and motherhood that often cause issues. Female soldiers in Agenom are expected to be single and childless, and if a female soldier becomes pregnant, she will be forcibly, yet honorably discharged to raise her child--unless she intends to give her child up for adoption. It tends to be rather common idea amongst Agenomians that women who chose to serve the military are homosexual, though it is not entirely true.

Gender Rights
As mentioned above, genders are considered legally equal in Agenom, though socially, it is commonly expected that women are the weaker sex. In rural regions especially, it is expected of daughters to marry and bear children while sons are the ones who bring home the bacon. However, in the cities and higher classes, women are socially more equal and rarely suffer the indignities of poorer women. Legally, women have all the opportunities to chose their career as men, they just have a better chance of choosing their own life path when living in the heart of Agenom society.

Marriage is often arranged, especially amongst the higher classes, by matchmakers with input from the family and especially those to be wed. Generally, marriage arrangements are begun around the age of sixteen to eighteen, though may be postponed until later. A matchmaker will carefully examine and interview young men and women who wish to marry, and using astrology and what they learned from their client, will compile a list of suitable mates from which the client can chose from. When the client makes a choice, they will correspond with, or meet their potential suitor to determine if the match will be fruitful. Once a decision is reached, preparations for a marriage can begin.

Nobility, however, don't have as many benefits when choosing a match. Often, noble marriages are politically motivated, and families may take the lead in the arrangements of their child's marriage.

Homosexuality is not restricted by Agenom laws, except for the laws of marriage. It is legal to practice a homosexual relationship, or co-habitate, but Agenomian law specifically states that marriage is between a male and female. There are no real benefits for a homosexual couple to gain from being married in Agenomian society, however. There is a social stigma to homosexuality in Agenom; it is often a great disappointment to parents, and looked down upon by peers. This rarely leads to violence against homosexuals, but it is mostly spoken of distastefully behind the backs of those who live that lifestyle.

To avoid the social implications of being openly homosexual, many will go along with arranged marriages and secretly pursue same-sex relationships in secret. Or they will simply chose to remain single and chaste and focus on careers.

The trade of spice is Agenom's lifeline. The sub-tropical region seems to be perfect for cultivating a myriad of exotic plants that cannot be grown elsewhere and produce tantalizing flavors that are highly desired across all of Kalesten, and even beyond. They hold a rather large monopoly on spices, but their greatest competition comes from Ertian trade.

Agenom also trades quite a bit in gems and gold mined from the foothills of the Perdraser range, and from silks and fine, lightweight fabrics.

Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 9:38 pm
by J. M. Vincent
Another thing I noticed and would rather not use for this nation...
Astrid Starwind wrote:These gemstones are known to be used for amplification of Mana and are prized by mana magic users all over the continent.
I was going to include a concept of creating "mana stones" in Emkal. Mana can be somewhat destructive to the environment, and as Emkal is a nation of magical progression shared with a population of Nafod, they seek the most non-destructive ways to use magic.

Added and expanded on the information on the birds, and provided a back story on the Leurija.
Zuku Ari-Ari Kika wrote:Agenom is home to two species of highly prized exotic birds. The Phishina is a beautiful large white bird that is considered a herald of the Seasonal Goddesses. The Phishina has a long, fan-like tail with feathers that are flecked with a golden color. It molts into its full glory during Spring, and is considered a good omen for planting when seen by farmers in their fields. Its tail feathers are highly prized in fashion, but to kill a Phishina is a serious crime in Agenom. Instead, the feathers are collected only during the Autumn molting period when the bird looses its most beautiful feathers in preparation for the winter months. Many people go searching for Phishina feathers during the molting season, and take great care to clean and prepare them for sale. It is the best way for many peasants to make some quick cash before the lean time of winter, which is only another seasonal blessing they feel is provided by the birds.

The local Seasonal temples and shrines encourage the nesting of Phishina near farming areas and their shrines. There is also a flock kept on the castle grounds of the royal palace in Coom.

Agenom's other sacred bird is the Leurija, a medium-sized songbird with silver and blue feathers. It was declared sacred when two hundred years ago, a Leurija is said to have saved the life of the queen. The story tells that when Queen Mishikana was traveling to Cheuz during a diplomatic mission, the horses leading her carriage were startled by a wild cat, and in their fright, they staggered and the carriage fell off a sheer cliffside along the coastline. The queen's entire entourage and the horses died in the fall, but she survived, badly injured. While laying hopeless on the beach, expecting that she would soon die, a Leurija alighted on the wreckage of her carriage, and she pleaded desperately to the bird to find her help.

The Leurija was then said to have flown away and flew to a village nearby where its anxious song and dancing encouraged a young man to follow it to the queen. Mishikana was surprised to see the bird land on the broken spar of her carriage again, singing excitedly and followed by the young peasant man. Once she was healed and returned to Coom, Mishikana declared that the Leurija become a sacred animal.

Like the Phishina, the Leurija's shed feathers are highly prized, and the same laws of collection apply. Both bird's feathers are considered a desirable fashion accessory, and good luck charms.

Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 8:49 pm
by J. M. Vincent
Zuku Ari-Ari Kika wrote:Fashion and Social Tiers
Agenom society is broken into three strict tiers, defined by a person's station in live and shown by the color of their clothes. The cut and fashion of Agenom clothing is much the same--though designs are often much simpler the lower a person's station.

The basic fashion is a long sleeved tunic and vest for men, paired with either long robes or loose-fitting pants. Women wear long dresses with at least two light layers; a flowing gown with long sleeves covered by a sleeveless over-dress. Both genders wear thick sashes around the waist. Clothing is often adorned with gold or silver foiling on the front of their clothing, at least in the higher tiers.

The first tier is nobility, starting from the highest point; the king or queen and immediate family, followed by lower levels of nobility, and the lowest of the first tier being knights. Status in the first tier is noted by white clothing, adorned with gold, and clothing of the most elaborate and ostentatious styles.

The second tier is the commoner class, made up of mostly self-made ; merchants, artisans, clergy, and sorcerers. They are allowed to wear clothing died azure with silver accents.

The third tier is the peasant class, the lowest tier of society. This class is the working class and farmers. They are only permitted to wear clothing of brown or black, which is often unadorned, except for formal clothing.

Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 3:26 am
by Astrid Starwind
love your work..its powering along nicely! Now getting back to my character...Working on what I think Kalestin empire fashion is like...

Re: Kalesten - Agenom

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 2:10 pm
by J. M. Vincent
Well, I've finished added in everything that you gave me, so if you want to add in anything else, please suggest it! We need to determine what the people look like as well.
Zuku Ari-Ari Kika wrote:Religion
As a country with great open spaces suitable for farming, the Seasonal Goddesses have a high patronage in Agenom and Coom is home to one of the grandest temples of Seasons and Weather. For all the grandiosity of the Season Temple, however, most clerics are still trained in the home temple in Chawoven.

Agenom is also a nation that relies heavily on trade, and because of this, they are one of the few to make Casril a major god in the local pantheon. Coom is home to one of the only two actual temples to Casril in all of northern Kalesten, the other being in Serdenaugh.

The other gods of light are worshiped in Agenom as well, though their places of worship are far less grand; Acoassa, Erada, Saeven, Essan and the muses all have small temples and shrines in Coom and Dashy to serve people who need their guidance.

The capital city Coom has a large complex of temples dedicated mainly two the seasonal goddesses and Casril, as well as smaller shrines to the other deities in one of the quarters of the city, often called 'the holy quarter' by common folks of the city. The royal family makes it their duty to look after the temples and make sure they are in a good state of repair and pray there at least once a week or more.

The building style of Agenom is more organic than many of the northern nations. Their cities, palaces, and temples are mostly made of stone, mostly from limestone from the coast, and the most glorious buildings--the temples and palaces--are built on a limestone base, and the outerwalls are covered with a beautiful semi-transparent stone that is quarried at the foot of the Perdraser mountains. Turrets and towers on palaces are a sign of prosperity for nobles, and the more one has, the more prosperous they are. Noble families often display their coat of arms on banners hanging from the tops of these towers. The shape is more akin to the organic shape of our Earth's art nouveau period organic shapes, but decoration-wise and structure-wise is more akin to the Moorish architecture in Spain and India's golden age.

The rural folk of Agenom have a much more humble building style. The poorest families build homes of brick from mud and clay, and often with thatch roofs, but more privileged families can afford limestone and often build moderate sized homes with tile roofs. As a family acquires more wealth, their home will grow over generations until they have a sizable manor to accommodate them quite comfortably. Many notable countryside manors for large plantations once grew from small brick and mud huts that their forefathers begun four or five generations before.

Population & People
Agenom is home to predominantly humans, but there are a few small clans of Ochae'nafod within their borders that are mostly unknown to the Agenomians. These clans are mostly bound to larger grassland wildlife and live in secret in the uninhabited regions that still remain in Agenom.

Population size and the phenotypes (hair, eye, skin color, other notable features) of Agenomians need to be determined!

Re: Kalesten - Kalestine Empire

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 4:52 pm
by Mid-Boss
Alright, the muse is biting again! A quick suggestion:

Militery service in Kalestine is compulsory, with both men and women of fighting age serving at least a two year tour in one of the branches. Members of noble families can pay others to serve in their stead, though some consider this practice unpatriotic. This keeps the empire from becoming a victim of its own success. Aside from in Old Chegar, imperial citizens are outnumbered by the recently conquered populaces of Delrod, Cheuz, and parts of Kosony, necessitating vast numbers of soldiers to keep the peace.

Re: Kalesten - Kalestine Empire

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:09 am
by Astrid Starwind
Since its an multinational empire now, um how does women get treated? do they have to be like Kosony? Or can they head families in nobilities, hold positions of power in society? How are other foreigners treated? What is magic like in Kalestine empire?