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Iengi (Giants)

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:37 pm
by J. M. Vincent
Zuku Ari-Ari Kika wrote:Location and Abodes
The Iengi live in mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere, both on Thiskel and Kalesten, as well as in the Forsaken Land. They prefer cool environments, so they do not live in the humid ranges in the south of Thiskel and Kalesten.

Iengi live in mostly naturally forming caves in the mountains, do little more than using tree trunks or larger boulders to support the ceilings when necessary. They do not dwell very deep into caves, as they tend to spend much time outside during the day.

Appearance and Garb
The Iengi are two to three times the size of an average human, standing at a range of ten to twenty feet tall, but on average around twelve to fifteen. Their build tends to be somewhat broad and lean, occassionally with a small amount of fat, especially in colder regions. They appear mostly human, but with stronger, more primal features. Hair color is commonly black or brown, rarely red or blond, and eye color is usually a shade of brown from black to gold. They are light skinned, though it ranges from ivory white to tanned.

The Iengi have a primitive style of dress, wearing leathers and skin. In warmer months, they may wear little more than a loin cloth, but in winter they wear cloaks of furs and leather, lashed and tied together as they lack in sewing skills and equipment. They favor bear pelts, supplemented with deer skins, and coats from other large grazing herbivores when they can catch them.

Lifespans and Reproduction
Long lived and slow reproducing, the Iengi are a dying race as more intelligent, resourceful, and fast breeding humans encroach on them. The Iengi live for around two to three hundred years and hey can conceive monthly like humans, but their opportunities to mate are growing fewer and far in between. Most females tend to have around three children throughout their lives.
A small update. I'm not sure if I want them to be solitary or slightly social.

Re: Iengi (Giants)

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:16 pm
by J. M. Vincent
Zuku Ari-Ari Kika wrote:Lifespans and Reproduction
Long lived and slow reproducing, the Iengi are a dying race as more intelligent, resourceful, and fast breeding humans encroach on them. The Iengi live for around two to three hundred years and hey can conceive monthly like humans, but their opportunities to mate are growing fewer and far in between. Most females tend to have around three children throughout their lives.

They tend to be anti-social, even with their own kind, but there are instances of Iengi grouping together in small clans under a dominant individual, especially in regions where their home range has been greatly diminished by other more gregarious races. When it comes to reproduction, males will seek out females when they desire to mate, and if they find a receptive partner, they will begin to pursue a relationship. In the most ideal setting, a couple can remain together as long as they have young children, but they rarely raise more than one child together. They generally stay together if a child is conceived within several months, and through the pregnancy into early childhood. However, often times, when their child is young, parents will crave their independence and the mother may drive the father away.

It is possible for Iengi to mate with other bi-pedal races, though it is rare. Often, smaller males may pursue women of other races if they come across them, though they rarely have consensual sex with them. There are numerous cases of Iengi raping human women. Those on the larger end of the spectrum often realize it is impossible to copulate with the smaller races and have no interest in them. Very rarely does an Iengi woman taken a human male as a mate.

Diet, Agriculture, and Hunting
The Iengi are entirely hunter-gatherers. They are omnivorous, though have a strong preference for meat. Fruits, nuts, fungus, tubers, and roughage are gathered from the forest, while they also hunt for large game animals. They utilize some stealth in their hunting, often lying in wait for herd animals, or baiting out animals such as bears and large predators with carcasses from other kills. They prefer to bludgeon or grab their prey.

The Iengi prefer to cook their meat, though they have a higher tolerance for food-borne illness than humans. Iengi cooking is quite bland, however, and they tend to just skin their kills, spit them, and cook them over a fire.

The Iengi have little use for religion, and little understanding of the gods and spirits. They tend to live in the present, looking out for themselves and their own interests with little thought as to what lies beyond.

Magic and Abilities
The Iengi have no understanding of magic, even shamanism, and their only skill lies in their brute force.

They are dull and primal, solitary and at times aggressive. Sometimes they seem less than human, yet they do have their moments when they can seem perfectly human.

Iengi have very little relations with other races. They prefer to keep their distance from other races, but they do cross paths with humans, Aeul'Idayn, and Zaedyn on occasion.

Iengi are playable, but they are very rare and tend to keep to themselves. To leave the comforts of their home territory, they would need incentive or circumstance.

Iengi stats are measured against human norms.
  • Strength: 20
  • Agility: 8
  • Dexterity: 4
  • Stamina: 18
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Wisdom: 8
  • Willpower: 14
  • Charisma: 5
  • Luck: 10
  • Physical Beauty: 8

Discussion for Iengi

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:26 am
by J. M. Vincent
If you have any questions or comments about the Iengi, please post them here.

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