Spirits [To be revised]

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World of Aserra
Spirits [To be revised]

Post by World of Aserra » Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:56 pm

Spirits are a broad category of beings that covers basically any being that exists beyond this plane. This includes not only the ghosts of the dead that most people may be familiar with when they hear the word "spirit", but fae, angels, demons, and even the presence of gods can be perceived as spirits by those living on the material plane.

On the higher planes of Adun are numerous spirits that are ranked below angels and demons, and are living immortal beings. They are broken into two groups, the elemental spirits—which exist in, and control the elements of nature; Air, Water, Earth, Fire, among other things—and the fae, spirits of nature. Each group of spirits is ruled over by one of the elemental gods, but all fae are under the rule of Entra, the goddess of life.

Each elemental spirit exists separately in their own native plane, ruled over by the god of their element. They have uniform appearances, but each spirit has the potential to live a mortal life from time to time when they are incarnated as one of the elemental races by their god. Magically, they use elementalism, which their mortal incarnations use as well.
  • Gnome – Elemental spirit of Earth. Gnome appears as a short, squat, masculine figure, composed of soil and rocks. They exist in the plane of earth, the Rock Kingdom of Enos, with Brecha, and have the chance to incarnate as Brech’mar.
  • Lycia - Elemental spirit of ice. Lycia appears as a small blue maiden, wingless and translucent with sharp features. They were created by Zelan and Maris for Fria and are an amalgamation of Sylph and Undine. Home for the Lycia is the Vale of Eternal Winter, the residence of Fria within the first level of Zephaer. They supply the souls of Aeul’Idayn.
  • Salamander – Elemental spirit of Fire. Salamander appears as a small lizard-like creature that is composed of burning embers. They exist in the plane of fire, the Burning Mountains of Magnal, with Alaezo, and some are granted the chance to incarnate as Asath. There are also amphibians named salamanders, as they have the same lizard like form, and can appear in red, orange, and black coloration, but they, of course, have no elemental powers.
  • Shade – Elemental spirit of Darkness. Shades have no true form or name, and exist unseen in the shadows, and in the Seven Infernal Chambers of Malbolge, namely occupying the second chamber. Ispa incarnates them into the Danaij.
  • Sylph – Elemental spirit of the Air. Sylph appears as a small blue feminine figure with transparent, insect-like wings. They exist in the plane of air, the Whispering Heavens of D'neiw with Zelan, and some are granted the chance to incarnate as Zaedyn. Sylph spirits are an important part of weather, and Draia calls upon them to help her control weather.
  • Undine – Elemental spirit of Water. Undine appears as a small feminine figure of water, but with no legs, only a flowing tail of water. They exist in the plane of water, the Deep Ocean of Welis, with Maris, and in all sources of water. Undine souls are granted the opportunity to incarnate as Mariel. They are also important to weather processes, and assist Draia along with Sylph, in manipulating the weather of Adun.
  • Valkyrie – Elemental spirit of Light. Valkyries appear as minute glowing golden female figures with angelic wings. They supply the souls of the Idayn and the servants of Idraen, the God of Light. They inhabit the second level of Zephaer, the City of the Gods, which acts as the plane of light as well.
The fae are spirits of nature, and unlike the elementals, they are incredibly varied. All live under the rule of Entra, goddess of life. Unlike her siblings, Entra used several different fae to create mortal races to follow her. These spirits all exist in the Maze of Dreams, or spirit plane, but can enter and influence the world just like the elementals. Female fae rarely have male counterparts, but can become impregnated by human men. Their children are born into the spirit world, but faeries often switch their children with human babies in the physical world.

All fae cannot handle the touch of pure iron for it causes excruciating pain and can be used to kill them. This is the reason why faeries steal human children and replace them with changelings (which are the offspring of faeries and human men), to study the effects of iron in the blood of humans. As iron is an inhibitor of magical energies, they hope to overcome this weakness with knowing how the human baby can live with iron in the blood and still control the fairy magics taught to it as it grows.
  • Elf - Elves are an higher form of fae, nearing angels and demons in power. They have a small population, and tend to have little dealings with humans. Instead, they spend much of their time either in the Maze of Dreams, or in Aerun. However, legends of their existence from ancient times when they were better known to serve the gods led to many humans confusing them with the races of Idayn (and sometimes Nafod). As a result, most humans call the Idaynian races “elves”, and the term “half-elf” has found its way into the modern vernacular to identify any individual who fits the look, which can include various half-Idayn, half-Nafod, half-Mariel, and half-Zaedyn.

    True elves are human-like in form, very fair, and much like the Idayn, except that their ears are merely pointed, rather than long and tapered. Like all fae, they have command over fae magics, but they are the most powerful magicians of their kind.
  • Faerie – Faeries appear as small green females, and though they are wingless, they can fly. Like most fae, faeries are shape-shifters, though they rarely use it. Instead, they like to use glamers, or illusions, to trick people, then disappear as quickly as possible. The are known to mischievous tricksters, and even malicious in their tricks.

    They have been known to lure victims (especially men) to a raucous party full of dancing, wine, and beautiful women, and when the dance is over, the man will emerge to find that days, months, or even years have passed. Faeries enjoy their song and dance, and if you can teach them something new, they will reward you with whatever you ask for, though keep in mind that it is as literal as possible!

    Faeries often construct rings of mushrooms, flowers, and other plants in which they dance, and it is common knowledge to not step into or disturb these faerie rings at the risk of incurring the wrath of vindictive faeries. They also travel along well-worn paths that while are safe to cross, it is unwise to build upon them. They are not especially fond of humans, due to their destructive nature, but some humans and other mortal races have gained the trust of local faeries through mutual respect and open channels of communication.

    Faeries became the souls of the Fayl’Idayn after the race began to drift apart from the Idayn.
  • Faun – Fauns appear masculine, child height, though with adult features. From the waist down, they have the legs and haunches of a goat and walk upright. On their head is a pair of small horns. They are known for playing pipes and are good natured spirits.
  • Nymph – Nymphs appear as incredibly beautiful women, tall like a normal human. They provide the souls of the Ochae’Nafod, though the race became quite different from the original nymphs. Dryads and Nereids different forms of nymphs.

    A nymph’s glamers are less effective than other fae. Due to their alarming beauty and human-like stature, they don’t need as much glamer as other fae to maintain an air of normalcy. Their eyes, bewitching and wild, is their greatest lure, summoning young men (and sometimes women) to them. Nymphs, despite their smoldering sexual good looks, seek out others they find attractive not for sex, but for love and companionship, even if only fleeting. They have been known to shape-shift into trees, shrubbery, and even animals to escape those they find repulsive.

    Nymphs utilize some small glamers, such as misdirection, to ward off people from finding their homes. Some, although very few, have gained unimaginable insight into mortal affairs that they become akin to sages wandering the wilds, learning what they will. Their lure spell, regardless of their bewitching beauty and eyes, is the production of pheromones, targeting specifically people they would find intriguing or attractive. A nymph can recall these pheromones at a moment’s notice to avoid letting someone ever seen them again, once they have let them see them once.
    • Dryad – Tree nymphs. Dryads are tied to deciduous trees and appear as incredibly beautiful female spirits, as tall as a normal human. Tied to a tree in a mortal world, they also exist in the spirit realm. Dryads supply the souls of the Dra’nafod, their mortal counterparts.
    • Naiad – Water nymphs that live in the fresh waters of Adun. They share an allegiance with Maris and Entra, and live between the water and spirit planes. Naiads appear as beautiful women, but are only seen in or around rivers, lakes, and streams.
    • Nereid – Water nymphs that live in the oceans of Adun. They share an allegiance with Maris and Entra, and live between the water and spirit planes. Nereids appear as beautiful women, but are only seen in or around the ocean. They are the souls of the Marfod race.
  • Pixie – Spirits of nature that are much kinder than faeries. Pixies appear slightly larger than faeries, feminine in form, and winged with insect-like wings. The can be mischievous, but playful, rather than malicious. They enjoy dancing and playing with children, and sometimes even help people. Pixies and faeries often butt heads over their involvement with humans, leading to conflicts in some regions. In the aftermath of these conflicts, some regions are dominated by pixies and others by faeries.

    Pixies have the same abilities as their smaller and more agile cousins, the faeries. They are notorious tricksters and even more notorious for leading people astray. Unlike the other fae, however, they are relatively harmless. The jokes the play are for their own amusement and they hardly ever actually harm anyone in the jokes.

    Their glamers are stronger than the faeries’, though their ability to shape-shift is limited only to insects, their close friend. They do not have a lure for people; their natural curiosity usually lands them near people, rather than the other way around.
  • Saytr – Spirits of nature from the Maze of Dreams. Satyrs are masculine, appearing as middle-aged men with dark hair and receding hairlines, long beards, large pointed ears, and horse tails. They are known for their high libidos and lust for Nymphs, which they obsess over, but can never obtain.
World of Aserra

Souls and Reincarnations [To be revised]

Post by World of Aserra » Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:51 pm

Souls of the people of Adun are just as varied as the people. The elemental gods took the souls of elemental spirits and gave them flesh, thus creating the elemental races. Some of these races have changed allegiances and became incarnated with different spirits, or gained the souls of mortals. Human souls are created by the gods, forged from mana, the energy of life, and some are granted special characteristics.

Mortal souls are reincarnated after a thousand year period after their last death. After death, a soul will be judged by it's level of Karmic debt; souls with debt will be sent to Malbolge to work out their debt, while souls with none (which is rare) are allowed to go to Zephaer. Those souls that are bound for Malbolge will eventually have their chance to move on to Zephaer after their debt is repaid.

Elemental souls, however, move onto the plane of their element to await reincarnation. They rarely need to repay Karmic debt, but in rare cases, they can be sent to Malbolge for negative Karma. The thousand year reincarnation rate applies to them as well, but in the case of longer lived races, new elemental spirits may be constantly being prepared for incarnation.

Humans - Normal Soul
Zaedyn - Sylph
Mariel - Undine
Brech'mar - Gnome
Asath - Salamander
Ochae'nafod - Nymph
Dra'nafod - Dryad
Marfod - Nereid
Idayn - Valkyrie
Eain'Idayn - Valkyrie/Normal Soul
Fayl'Idayn - Faerie
Aeul'Idayn - Lycia
Ery'Idayn - Normal Soul
Oir'Idayn - Normal Soul
Ur'Idayn - Normal Soul
Danaij - Shade
Danaij'vai - Shade
Kiar - Normal Soul
Iengi - Normal Soul
Interracials - Normal Soul for human mother/Elemental Soul for elemental race mother
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Re: Spirits

Post by J. M. Vincent » Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:17 pm

Spirits have been updated with more information, and the addition of the original Lycia ice spirit.

More fae may be added in the future.
World of Aserra

Re: Spirits

Post by World of Aserra » Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:57 pm

Spirits of the dead who have stayed behind, or are trapped, in the ethereal plane instead of moving on to the afterlife to prepare for reincarnation. After death, some souls are reluctant to leave for any number of reasons; perhaps they don’t want to leave their family, or they cling desperately to the living world after being murdered, killed in battle, or sudden death. However, they soon find themselves bound to their location. They can manifest in the material plane briefly to be seen and heard by the living, but only at certain times and many are bound to a cycle of manifesting only to relive the events that led to their death. Some ghosts can break through the cycle by attempting to communicate or interact with the material plane, but these attempts are often energy and time consuming, as well as incredibly frustrating. This causes most ghosts to descend into madness.

Animal Spirits
It is rare for a wild animal to remain as a ghost. When it does happen, it is often due to a profound connection with the land. Sometimes, if an animal is killed violently by hunters, is torn from it's offspring, or perhaps it's habitat has been destroyed, it may remain behind from the shock of it all, soon becoming a mad, vicious spirit that continues to haunt it's native land.

Other times, some animals that have become mature and wise and perform exceptional deeds in serving the land gain an amount of sentience. After death, their soul remains as a guardian spirit. It could be considered a form of ascension for animals. These spirits can become totem spirits for local shamans as well.
World of Aserra

Re: Spirits

Post by World of Aserra » Wed Oct 14, 2009 11:55 am

Higher spirits which serve the goddess Yoma. They collect souls of the dead and usher them to the afterlife. There are only several hundred reapers in Adun, and they are spread rather thin, so they cannot be responsible for the soul of every dead person across the world. They also assist ghosts in crossing over, when still possible. Reapers can break the bonds that bind souls to the living world, allowing some ghosts to pass over, but some require exorcism. At a certain point, ghosts lose their humanity and cannot cross over; most reapers will not concern themselves with them, though some may be more thorough in their work and exorcism them.

Reapers have a human appearance, and can appear as either male or female. Most wear swathing black robes, but they can change their appearance to any spirits they are attempting to guide. For example, they may take the form of someone familiar who has passed on that the recently deceased may desire to reunite with, or as an attractive member of the opposite sex, or perhaps an animal, object, or ball of light that will attract the soul's curiosity.

They are immortal higher spirit beings, ranked below angels and demons in strength, but about equal to fae. They are transient spirits usually, moving through the Aether, Astral Planes, or limbo, where some sort spirits into their proper afterlife, and weigh and measure souls to determine whether they must move to Malbolge or Aerun.
World of Aserra

Demons [To be revised]

Post by World of Aserra » Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:29 pm

demons wiki page
Demons are a race of entities that live in Malbolge, under the rule of Ispa. They are grouped under the seven great sins; Wrath, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy, Greed, and Gluttony. Each clan is led by a demon lord. Each clan is led by a demon lord, who rules under the gods of darkness. The demons of each clan share a resemblance to certain creatures. One trait most share, however, is bat-like wings. Whereas angels are mostly androgynous and sterile, demons are fertile and both genders exist. Demons often conceal their true appearance under a human guise.
  • Wrath
    Demons of Wrath have bear-like features including the head, arms, and legs of a bear on a human torso. They are led by the demon lord Ari.
  • Sloth
    Demons of Sloth have lion-like features including the head, arms, tail, and legs of a lion on a human torso. They are led by the demon lord Aideca.
  • Pride
    Demons of Pride have eagle-like features including the head of an eagle on a human body. Instead of bat-like wings, they have plumed avian wings. They are led by the demon lord Aibrepus.
  • Lust
    Demons of Lust, also known as succubi and incubi, have goat-like features, including legs, tail, and horns. Though they are mostly male or female, some are fully-functional hermaphrodites. They are led by the demon lord Airuxul and his daughter with Ispa, Suldra, Goddess of Lust.
  • Envy
    Demons of Envy have jackal-like features including the head, tail, and legs of a jackal, on a human torso and arms. They are led by the demon lord Aidivni.
  • Greed
    Demons of Greed have raven-like features including the head of an raven on a human body. Instead of bat-like wings, they have plumed avian wings. They are led by the demon lord Aitirava.
  • Gluttony
    Demons of Gluttony have boar-like features including some facial features of a boar—namely the snout and tusks—on otherwise human face, and the legs of a boar on a human body. They are led by the demon lord Alug.
World of Aserra

Angels [To be revised]

Post by World of Aserra » Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:30 pm

angels wiki page
Angels live in Zephaer, under the rule of Idraen. Like the demons, they are grouped under the seven factions, separated into virtues to oppose the seven sins; Kindness, Patience, Diligence, Humility, Chastity, Temperance, and Liberality. Angels are genderless, for the most part, and sterile. However, lesser gods, demi-gods, and ascended beings are often considered angels as well, but their appearances vary and they do not conform to one of the seven virtues. They appear human, but are graced with white avian wings. They are lead by seven archangels, one for each virtue.
  • Kindness
    Angels of Kindness appear androgynous and childlike, looking to be around ten to twelve years old. Their faces are gently beautiful, conveying their virtue. They are lead by the Archangel Satina.
  • Patience
    Angels of Patience are androgynous, but lean more to the masculine, appearing to be around fifty or sixty years old. They are lean, and have a guru-like peace to them. They are lead by the Archangel Seitap.
  • Diligence
    Angels of Diligence are more masculine in appearance, appearing to be a strong, handsome man around the early twenties. They have a presence that speaks of duty, lawfulness, and persistence to their cause. They are lead by the Archangel Sudni.
  • Humility
    Angels of Humility are androgynous, but plainly so. They appear unremarkable and average in appearance, yet they are content with this plainness, which expresses their humility. They are lead by the Archangel Satil.
  • Chastity
    Angels of Chastity appear as willowy, beautiful young women around the age of sixteen to nineteen. For all their beauty, however, they are unconcerned, focusing only on their purity. They are led by the Archangel Satitsa.
  • Temperance
    Angels of Temperance appear as a strong female figure, confident and assured. They are taller than the average woman, with a simple, strong beauty. They are lead by the Archangel Saitar.
  • Generosity
    Angels of Generosity appear strictly female, with an ample, motherly figure. They appear to be in their late thirties or forties and remind one of a loving, generous mother. They are led by the Archangel Satila.
Fallen Angels
As a punishment for the most serious of crimes, some angels, and gods, have "fallen". Executed in Zephaer, their souls are stripped of power, and cast from Zephaer. The souls of fallen angels are reincarnated as humans and their human incarnations often sprout ethereal wings (though these wings are not seen in the physical world), and have a higher capacity for magic. However, they will only fulfill this potential if actively learning sorcery. To return to their place in Zephaer, they may be ascended only by choice of the gods, if the gods believe they have atoned for their crime.

Humans who are the reincarnation of fallen angels are playable, but they must be few in number. Generally, the character should have no knowledge of this truth, but it may be discovered in game.
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Ascended Demons?

Post by little knight » Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:20 pm

Quick question, I noticed there were fallen angels, does that mean there is... well, 'Ascended' Demons, for lack of a better word?
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Re: Demons

Post by J. M. Vincent » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:01 pm

Well, "ascension" doesn't really work in this respect. :P You're equating ascension with moving upwards from a "lower" plane to a higher one, or with becoming "good", but ascension is more about the gaining of knowledge/spiritual power, say rising up a ladder of power. Demons and angels are already on equal footing in that respect, and a demotion for either would be ...decension? XD Also, ascension is achieved through the gaining of knowledge and wisdom, and demons are generally arrogant assholes who think they know it all already.

The reason fallen angels are reincarnated as humans is to work off their Karmic debt in life as punishment for crimes. Demons, however, are generally in the negative for Karma anyway, so if a demon acts out in a way that their lord or the dark gods feel is "unbecoming" of a demon (lol), I don't think that forcing them to work off their debt as a human would be useful. If a demon were to go against nature and be virtuous by human or angelic standards, they might be abandoned to their own devices by their kind, or just outright killed. And if a demon committed a crime that was so heinous to his own kind that they would feel he should be punished, he'll probably be punished by being executed. They would not reincarnate as humans though, they would just reincarnate as a new demon, if their soul was not destroyed or consumed by their fellows.
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Discussion for Spirits

Post by J. M. Vincent » Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:39 am

Use this thread to pose any questions, or make comments and suggestions on the subject of Aserra's Spirit Beings. This includes angels, demons, elemental spirits, fae, ghosts, reapers, and any other kinds of beings that exist on higher planes, but aren't quite gods.